Personal pronouns for nonhuman animals should be “he/she/they” and “who”

The love of all living creatures is the most noble attribute of man

The Humane Society of the United States’ internal style guide has long recommended that staffers refer to animals has “he/she/they” and “who”. An effort is also underway to call on the Associated Press to update its style guide’s recommendation on the use of personal pronouns for nonhuman animals. Shelter and rescue communications can help …

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How vulnerable the human psyche is to indoctrination

How vulnerable the human psyche is to indoctrination

RELATED: Watching hunting of any kind can psychologically scar children This is the classic North Korea video of citizens sinking into paroxysms of uncontrolled adoration within extreme distress of their beloved leader (the father of the current leader) who had just died. All their lives they were taught that their leader, a dictator who …

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Watching hunting of any kind can psychologically scar children

Hunting deer

PETA has reminded me that the United Nations’ Committee on the Rights of the Child has issued a landmark new directive (I believe this was last year, 2023) that children be protected from “exposure to violence, such as violence inflicted on animals.” It is a formal recognition that children exposed to the hunting of …

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Microplastics in semen of humans and testes of dogs. Infographic.

Microplastics found in every semen sample in study and in testes of dogs and humans. Infographic.

If you were in any doubt about the extent of worldwide plastic pollution, take a look at this infographic prepared by me based on news reports which are in turn are based in Chinese studies (perhaps the world’s biggest contributor to world pollution). The plastic that we throw away is broken down into tiny …

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9 rules of happiness in an infographic

Rules of happiness in an infographic

We are not meant to be happy all the time. Nature did not make us that way. Happiness and contentment needs to be measured against unhappiness. We should not regard being depressed as an illness as it is normal unless clinical as diagnosed by a good professional. And being happy requires effort and self-discipline; …

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