Infographic explains. ‘Why does my cat prefer my partner?’

Cat prefers one partner over the other

Infographic explains. ‘Why does my cat prefer my partner?’ by Michael Broad This is not an uncommon problem in family homes as you might know or understand already. It may actually be the norm. It can be upsetting. The preferred partner might feel a little smug while the ‘rejected’ partner might feel, well…..rejected. 😊💔After …

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Infographic on “Are two cats better than one?”

Infographic on "Are two cats better than one"

The infographic BELOW is an answer to the question: Are two cats better than one? It summarises the issues from my perspective. The key points to think about and which dictate the answer are: There are many multi-cat homes and many stressed cats in these homes. I think Dr. Claude Béata sums up the …

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Infographic answers the question “How can I tell if my cat is happy?”

Happy cat?

The infographic answers the question succinctly. There are other signs. But you can work backwards in answering the question. It is like this: a good cat caregiver creates a near perfect environment for their cat companion which ably meets a domestic cat’s requirements. Under these circumstances, assuming the cat is healthy and free of …

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My personal domestic cat pros and cons in an infographic

My personal domestic cat pros and cons in an infographic

A stated this is personal but I expect something similar from any decent cat caregiver. There has to be some cons if we are realistic. For me, right now, the biggest con is that I feel anchored. Stuck and unable to travel freely because my cat is bonded to me; I am imprinted on …

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Nairobi misses the mark in their cat registration legislation

The city of Nairobi, Kenya, is debating a new piece of legislation (a bill) called “The Nairobi City County Animal Control and Welfare Bill”. If it came into force, it would require cat owners in Nairobi to purchase an annual licence at a cost of 200 Kenyan shillings ($1.50 or £1.20 p). To obtain …

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The problem with community cats is that in general they don’t receive veterinary treatment

Arturito, a stray cat from outside the cemetery, visits daily to benefit from Pisani’s feedings [Maria Amasanti/Al Jazeera]

All over the world there are community cats. Often the general feeling is that they live reasonable lives. These are cats that don’t have owners, a specific caregiver. They are rather loosely cared for by people living in the community; shop owners, perhaps workers and passers-by and residents. They might be attached to a …

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Is killing prey a learned behaviour for cats? Infographic.

Is actually killing prey a learned behaviour for cats?

The answer to the question in the title is in the infographic. It is that predation behaviour is, as expected, inherited but it needs to be polished up with some training from their mother and a kitten’s keen observational skills and ability to learn from watching. It is how they learn to open doors …

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