Altruism is the guiding principle in cat caregiving. Discussion.

I have just had a discussion with ChatGPT about the topic stated in the title. It was interesting. Here it is. Altruism is the guiding principle in cat caregiving? Altruism is indeed a crucial principle in cat caregiving. Caring for cats—whether as a pet owner, rescuer, or community caretaker—often requires selflessness, patience, and compassion. …

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How an unpleasant owner affects a cat’s mentality. Infographic.

It is quite easy to become a poor cat caregiver 😢. You transfer the stresses of life’s vicissitudes onto your cat. It is understandable as for humans things are getting more stressful in general nowadays (March 2025). It is easy to bring home one’s anxieties and stress-induced behavioural problems. It is harder to hide …

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10 most common domestic cat diseases in descending order of prevalence (2025). Infographic.

This list will naturally change somewhat over the years as veterinary medicine becomes more sophisticated and better proactive steps are taken to improve feline health. From the sources listed, these are the ten most prevalent pet feline diseases in the West – developed countries. There will be differences between countries. Generally, when researching this …

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Is Medilisk tinnitus spray legit? NO. Infographic explains.

This is relevant to cat caregiving! 😎😱 That’s because: Tinnitus is highly prevalent among older adults, particularly those over the age of 60. Estimates suggest that 10–25% of the adult population experiences tinnitus, with prevalence increasing with age. Here are some key findings: See more below the infographic… Overall, tinnitus is a common condition …

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Frequency of cleaning clothes as a cat owner. Infographic.

This is about questioning one’s routines that are often accepted as written in tablets of stone but which in a changing world can be outdated or plain wrong. There is often room for improvement in applying common sense and logic. This is an interesting topic but hardly ever discussed. It is not strictly relevant …

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Wet cat food with artificial bone. Infographic.

Current wet cat food is always soft. It fails to replicate the domestic cat’s natural diet of flesh and bone. Cats need bone on which to chew (sheer) for gum health and jaw exercise. There is an argument too that over the very long term current wet cat food may impact the evolution of …

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10 cat behaviours showing appreciation. Infographic.

Our bonding with the domestic cat is the result of a remarkable interspecies human-to-cat relationship. We can’t expect the cat to express their appreciation for our loving caregiving in our way. They show it differently; indirectly in ten ways as illustrated in the infographic below. It is nice to remind ourselves that this is …

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Minimizing cat gum disease with diet and bones. Infographic.

Dr Bruce Fogle DVM is well regarded as a vet and writer. In some ways he states the obvious when he recommends that domestic cats be fed chicken with the bones in place and to train cats to accept this from an early age. This is because a diet with bones is entirely natural. …

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