I Need Bobcat Scent and Sounds!
by Pat
(Central Ca)
Bobcat - photo by Beth Sargent (Away) - Flickr)
I live in a small town in central ca. We are being overrun and destroyed by an influx of herons, egrets and the like. All beautiful birds, of course, except that they like to live in large colonies... I have about 50-100 birds living in the 80' trees in my back yard, all of the trees I planted myself.
They were all Christmas trees from when my kids were little.
Now for the problem. The birds, apart from being loud 24 hrs a day, and extremely messy with urine and droppings everywhere, are known to kill the trees they nest in due to all of the droppings on the leaves and on the ground around the area.
Eventually, after they kill the trees, they will move on, but I don't want my trees to die... if they showed up here in families of 4 - 10 birds, they would be more than welcome.
According to the US Fish and Wildlife, they are not endangered, but they are protected, so we can harass them all we want but we can't hurt them or destroy their nests.
No matter what we do, at all hours of the day and night, they won't go away, the town sounds like a war zone with blasts and noises going off at all hours. But still the birds are winning.
What I would like is some bobcat scent and recordings so that perhaps they will think there is a predator in the area and will go away. is that a possibility?
Please call me at my work number during the day, 209/392-6103.. can't use my e-mail address because I might start getting spam on my desktop that can be almost as annoying as the birds.. thanks for any help or ideas.