I rescued an all four paws declawed Manx cat

by Kathy

I have 2 cats and would NEVER declaw them. Never even entered my mind. Yes, my leather couch has scars, but a little touch up covers it and on we go.

Here’s the story: A cat showed up on my porch about 2 months ago. So sweet and beautiful. I started feeding it and noticed when it made gingerbread on me there were no claws.

I brought the cat in to find that it was declawed front and back. Very unusual!? It made me sick and my vet and entire staff too.

The cat is inside now permanently. How it survived outdoors, I’ll never know. Here’s the kicker, it’s a young Manx. My vet agrees. I’ve done my homework and it matches everything a Manx should be.

I have it on the found cat websites, but no hits. I’m not sure I want the owner to come forward. They are the ones who declawed this sweet cat. So, I look at it as mine, now I have 3 cats. The

Manx plays with one of my young cats and they terrorize the house. They have a ball and I truly enjoy watching. So now I own a total declawed cat, which I hate. The bottom line is, it has a wonderful loving home and here it shall stay inside, forever.

Question: Would you declaw your dog? Didn’t think so.


Hi Kathy…. Great story. You are a kind soul and a friend of cats.

If you have a picture of your Manx, please email me – thanks.

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I rescued an all four paws declawed Manx cat to Declawing cats

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I rescued an all four paws declawed Manx cat

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Jan 27, 2011 Rescued Manx
by: Mark

I can relate to your story as we too have a rescued Manx cat. About 2 years ago I stopped into a store to get cat food. There was an organization there claiming to be a pet rescue service,(they were just trying to make money off of abandoned cats). The rescue service had to break into a locked garage in Aug where the litter was left to perish. They told me she was an American Persian & had been treated by a Vet. We were told she was 3 months old. Come to find out she was 5 months old;had ringworm;upper resp infect;badly malnutritioned ;stomach parasites so bad that after battling it for several months we took her to our Vet to keep & cure her. We knew she was sick when we got her, but she was such an adorable fighter. Now she’s loving life here @home

May 03, 2010 The best possible life
by: Finn Frode, Denmark

Hi Kathy. This story can never have a perfectly happy ending, because the cat can never have it’s claws and outer toe joints back. But at least now it can have the best possible life and that no doubt is with you. 🙂

May 01, 2010 Good on you Kathy
by: Ruth

Kathy, well done for taking in that poor cat. Whoever he belonged to doesn’t deserve to have him back as declawing the front paws is horrible and cruel enough,but declawing the back also is even worse.Then to let him outside proves they should never have had a cat in the first place.

Shame on the corrupt vet who did that operation !

I hope and pray he never has any problems from the declawing,which the chances are high that he will as he ages, but I’m sure you will take care of him if he does.

You are right, no one would declaw their dog (well ALMOST no one as there have actually been dogs declawed)so why do they declaw their cats?

BTW I love your expression ‘making gingerbread’

Kattaddorra signature Ruth

May 01, 2010 Adopted Manx
by: Tracey

Hi Kathy

Your story touched my heart and restored my faith in human kindness.

You are obviously a cat lover not like the low life who crippled your beautiful cat.

Your vet obviously cares too which seems to make a change when there are still so many declawing in your part of the world.

I’m so glad Manx is happy and now has a home for life.

I would love to see a photo.

2 thoughts on “I rescued an all four paws declawed Manx cat”

  1. I wish you and Denim the best of luck. There is a small chance someone could see your request for help. It is a sad story. Personally I can’t help.

    You might consider emailing me with the full story about him and about losing him and I’ll create a full page for you which would be seen by the public more easily.

    My email is mjbmeister[at]gmail.com – change the [at] for @

  2. Please help me find my Denim! He was accidentally let out by friends on May 18, 2012… A part of me is missing and I need to find him. He belonged to my Sister before he was given to us, my sister was a victim of homicide in March 2012 and while going back and forth out of state to handle her affairs, Denim got out. It would mean so much to me to find my Denim!

    He is Declawed (front and back), neutered and has a broken tail. His eyes are as blue as Denim!
    He was wearing tags, but the phone number was no good, I had recently changed it.

    **** I will pay a $ 1,000.00 reward for his safe return…..NO QUESTIONS ASKED!!!.

    I love you Denim and I miss you so much!!!!

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