Jalaldeen Naseem abuses family cat on video and posts it to Facebook

Jalaldeen Naseem is a Sri Lankan man working in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia as a house driver (sounds like he is a chauffeur).

In the video he is sitting in a rather plush room – is this the home of his employer, a Saudi Arabian?

He is horribly abusing a domestic cat by brutally manhandling it and slapping it. He is atagonising the cat and making him miserable and fearful.

This cat will be messed up by this. I don’t know if Jalaldeen Naseem’s employer knows about his cat abuse. If not, he should and he should sack the sh*t summarily.

What is clearly evident is that Jalaldeen Naseem is chronically uneducated and has no idea about animal welfare whatsoever.

This is his Facebook page.

This is the video. Let’s try and make him as miserable as he is making this poor cat.


The video has been reported to Facebook as being in violation of their rules. They disagree and have allowed the video to remain on their site:

“We reviewed your report of Jalaldeen Naseem’s video. Thank you for taking the time to report something that you feel may violate our Community Standards. Reports like yours are an important part of making Facebook a safe and welcoming environment. The account that posted this has been restored…..”

What the hell is going on? What do you need to do to be in violation of FB rules on animal abuse?

There are many webpages written by animal advocates which indicate to me that Facebook are accepting animal abuse on their website. This appalls many.

Facebook accept animal abuse on their site
Google search (page one) showing webpages discussion FB’s policy on animal abuse.

The Dodo.com says that FB have a history of leaving animal abuse images and videos on their site until pressed hard to remove them.

The FB guidelines don’t refer to animal cruelty apparently.

I tried searching for their rules and regulations regarding posting images et cetera and failed to find the information. You’d have thought it’d be readily available. There is a page on Rights and Responsibilities but that does mention animals at all. Perhaps there are no rules whatsoever on images (moving or still) of animals.

I hate to say it but the more I know of Facebook the more I dislike them. They are a danger to animals.

My thanks to Elisa for finding this and telling me about it.

30 thoughts on “Jalaldeen Naseem abuses family cat on video and posts it to Facebook”

  1. The author of the best comment will receive an Amazon gift of their choice at Christmas! Please comment as they can add to the article and pass on your valuable experience.
  2. Michael_You are well respected in your field and deserve far more credit than you receive for
    all you have done to help Gods creatures.
    Have a Great Day.
    _Eva say’s

  3. When it comes to muzzies abusing an animal I will speak out and to bloody fecking hell with the repercussions,one thing I learned being and now the former co-founder for stopcrush we got alot of horrible images/videos from crushers on our facebook page and we learned that for a page/images/videos to be disabled they have to be reported 250 times and I reposted a few more times on my page yesterday and only a couple of my 4,000 friends did,how pathetic!


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