25% of 10–18-year-old kids in UK exposed to animal cruelty. Restrictions needed.

Kids on smartphones accessing social media platforms where they are likely to see animal cruelty content that should not be there

The RSPCA have, at last, caught on to the fact that social media is provoking or encouraging kids to engage in animal cruelty. It’s a complicated issue but essentially the RSPCA is saying that children “torture animals for likes on social media”. Tell me something new. This has been an issue for years. Millions …

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Be aware of fly-by-night animal sanctuaries in the UK

Fly-by-night animal sanctuaries are a problem in the UK

This is about another UK scam/fraud/con in the UK. My God, there are so many of them I’ve almost lost track. The citizens of the UK are surrounded by fraudsters and thieves. And, sadly, the police seem to be impotent, so we are alone. This one concerns what The Times refers to as “fly-by-night …

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Beware of online cat and dog rescue scams


I’ve been dealing with scams today because it seems to me that, in the UK, they are becoming more common. UK is full of scammers. In fact, many live abroad and feed on the UK’s citizens as if the country is “treasure Island”. UK citizens need to be ever vigilant and switched on. It’s …

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The mysterious Mary Dandruff aka Mary Healthy and Mary Yummy Cooking

Mary Health aka Mary Dandruff?

I have been trying to make some sense of the mysterious ‘Mary Dandruff’. Clearly a made-up name and one which is associated with sticking objects onto cats which look like engorged (with blood) ticks. The pictures look very convincing, and they have indeed convinced many social media users on Facebook and YouTube who are …

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Meta’s research on cat and dog people

Yesterday was International Cat Day 2022 and in honour of this day, I’m going to refer to Meta’s research on cat and dog people, which was conducted on August 7, 2016, one day before International Cat Day 2016. Facebook is in an enviable position when it comes to analysing people because they have billions …

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‘Mary Dandruff’ glues parasite-like objects to cats claiming they are ticks

Mary Dandruff

Mary Dandruff – clearly a made-up name – has a Facebook page full of videos of domestic cats covered in objects such as beans or other fruits perhaps (I don’t know what they are). She claims that these cats are covered in ticks (a nasty blood-sucking skin parasite) and that the ticks need to …

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