Larry the Cat at 10 Downing Street ignores official veterinarian advice to stay indoors

A key resident of Downing Street, the home and the office of the British Prime Minister, is ignoring the recently issued advice by the president of the British Veterinary Association (BVA) Dr Daniella dos Santos to stay indoors to prevent the spread of coronavirus.

Larry and Boris
Larry and Boris. Photo: no idea who took it. Probably one of his advisers at No 10.

Larry the Cat, Downing Street’s resident mouser continues to wander around the corridors of power and across the road at the Foreign Office where he has the odd bust-up with Palmerston his counterpart. Larry is not in lockdown.

Larry and Palmerston fighting
Larry and Palmerston fighting recently. Photo: STEVE BACK.

But technically he should be kept inside Number 10 because the world and their cats know that the British Prime Minister is in intensive care as I write this with a bad infection of Cover-19. And some of his fellow cabinet ministers and some advisers are in self-isolation. I am thinking of Dominic Cummings and Michael Gove. In fact Larry should be socially distancing as well; obviously impossible.

On the adjusted ‘clarified’ advice of the BVA Larry should be confined to inside No. 10 as it is reasonable to assume that he has come into contact with someone at the office who has or has had Covid-19. It is clear now that a lot of people have had it without symptoms (ref: Iceland testing)

Clearly people are not taking the advice seriously even by those who run the country. I know that the British public are not taking the advice seriously because almost no one has shared my article on the subject but thousands share an article on the abandonment of two cats in America.

The fact of the matter is that the British public make up their own minds on these issues. It is the reason why a lot of young people are ignoring the advice to stay at home and keep 2 metres apart. They have read the press and decided that they have a near zero chance of dying from the disease and therefore they take the tiny risk.

It is almost always the elderly who make an effort to keep 2 metres apart when I meet them in the park for a walk. They are far more cautious and sensible. Often a young person has walked towards me in the middle of the pavement engrossed with their smartphone, not looking up, making no attempt whatsoever to socially distance themselves from others. I have to take avoidance measures from these people all the time.

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