This is a brief post in praise of Assemblywoman Linda Rosenthal representing District 67 as a Democrat in the New York State Assembly, which includes parts of Manhattan’s Upper West Side and Clinton/Hell’s Kitchen neighborhoods.

The reason why she deserves praise from cat lovers is because she is behind four major changes to the law concerning animal welfare. And she works relentlessly to advance animal welfare.
Rosenthal is well-known for sponsoring the bill which recently became law banning declawing for non-therapeutic purposes in New York state. This is a whopping success story in the campaign against declawing. It is a wow moment. The reference is A1303/S5532.
But she is also behind three other pieces of legislation supporting animal welfare and rights.
She’s behind a move to consolidate animal cruelty laws in New York State to take them out of statutes concerned with agriculture where they are somewhat of an afterthought and place these statutes in the penal code where they will be regarded with more seriousness. This bill is at committee stage (A11070/S3867).
“By putting these crimes into the penal code, they will be viewed more seriously” – Rosenthal.
Thirdly she is a joint sponsor with state Senator Michael Gianraris to ban sales of bred cats, dogs and rabbits in pet stores and substitute those ‘created’ animals for profit with rescue animals from shelters and sanctuaries. This makes a lot of sense in a world where there are too many unwanted cats and dogs. And it also helps prevent animal abuses by unscrupulous breeders (A6298/S4234 – in committee).
Finally she is behind a ban on classroom hatching projects. Rosenthal has introduced a bill which would ban classroom projects concerned with hatching birds. I am told that animal advocates are protesting at birds being dumped in parks after these projects. This bill is at the committee stage at the date of this post (A58).
Linda Rosenthal is doing heroic animal advocacy in the heart of the New York state’s government. She appears to be a massive driving force behind animal welfare. Praise is due from all cat lovers and those concerned with animal welfare.
My thanks to: Jeff Coltin a staff reporter at City & State who covers New York City Hall for some details.
I love her. I don’t know her at all but she fights so effectively for animal welfare. She stands out. She’s probably the most outstanding American politician on animal welfare and rights. She is that big in the world of animals.
This makes one proud to be living in NYC. Her stance on animal welfare is so remarkable. Linda Rosenthal represents all the best that a politician can be. The meetings she holds for her constituents are so very valuable. I hope we look forward to many years of having her in politics in NY.. Her district should be proud to have her. Her predecessor became Borough President of Manhattan.