Is there anything that Trump is doing having a negative impact on animal welfare?

Yes, several actions and policies associated with Donald Trump could negatively impact animal welfare: If Trump were to return to office or continue influencing policy, these trends could further erode animal welfare protections. Would you like information on specific aspects of animal welfare policies? Yes… Sure! Here are key aspects of animal welfare policies …

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Cashmere is considered unethical and problematic for animal welfare. Infographic.

Below the infographic there is some useful information 😊😉 on alternatives to buying cashmere which I know is very popular as people love its softness. Is there an alternative that is as soft as cashmere? See below…. Why cashmere production is a form of animal abuse. Infographic. by Michael Broad Yes! There are several …

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The downsides of dressing up your cat explained in an infographic

Some influential celebrities like to dress up their cat companion. They do it for personal reasons unconnected with the welfare of their cat (possible exception: the hairless cats). Essentially it looks interesting and is fun to do. The trend has prompted criticism from cat behaviourists and health professionals including the well-known cat charity Cats …

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Think of Delhi’s cats and dogs in the city’s worst airborne pollution in 40 years

The smog of Delhi harms pets and people

The report is that Delhi is suffering its worst smog in 40 years. Of course, the story concerns how people are suffering. But what about the pet dogs and cats living in that sprawling city? The airborne pollution is choking the city. The Scottish historian William Dalrymple has lived in Delhi for 40 years …

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At least 112 racehorses died on British racecourses in 6 months in 2024. Horse racing is abusive.

DALL·E 2024-11-18 12.09.52 - A sleek and muscular racehorse in mid-gallop during a professional horse racing event. The horse is adorned with a brightly colored saddlecloth

The news today in the sport section of The Times of Monday, November 2024 is as follows (verbatim – I hope that is okay). Headline: “Three horses die during dark day at Cheltenham”. Racing: Abuffalosoldier, who won the staying handicap chase at Cheltenham yesterday, collapsed and died after the race. He was one of …

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Baby red panda probably died from stress of fireworks reminding us how they can affect cats and dogs

Zoo fears red panda cub died from stress caused by fireworks

Anyone who lives with a cat or dog and is truly concerned about their welfare will hate fireworks or they should do in my honest opinion. I detest fireworks. And it is not only because I’m concerned about my cat. It’s because they are noisy. I don’t understand why people like to listen to …

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Donald Trump’s sketchy track record on animal welfare bodes ill for the future

Animal welfare is not his priority

Donald Trump is the new President. I am interested in animal welfare. What was Trump’s track record during his last presidency in bringing new initiatives to the table on animal welfare in America and across the globe? Answer below the image. Donald Trump’s presidency had a mix of actions that impacted animal welfare, both …

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Nasal congestion in Peke-face Persian cats. INFOGRAPHIC.

Nasal congestion in Peke-face Persian cats

Nasal congestion in Peke-face Persian cats by Michael Broad Phew…I’ve started with that word because this is the 14th inherited Peke-face Persian disease I have explained in an infographic. I have come to the end. 😊😢. Click this link to see them all! It is sad, though, that I feel a duty to create …

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