Manteca, California Offers $1000 Reward For Information On Animal Poisonings

The cat lovers of Manteca, San Joaquin, California have a problem and need your help. They have a serial cat (and dog) killer on the loose and are willing to pay for help in identifying the murderers. Manteca, California is offering a $1000 reward for information on animal poisoning.

Their population listed on the last U.S. Census was just under 50,000. Unfortunately, small town/city America is no longer safe from those who want to hurt animals.

This is happening in the 1300 block of Trailwood Avenue, which is in Northwest Manteca. The latest incident occurred Thursday night when Katrina Sotomayor called about her three month old kitten displaying symptoms of antifreeze poisoning. These included diarrhea, vomiting blood and refusing food and water. The fur on her tabby’s tail had been partially stripped, so this was no accidental ingestion. Someone poisoned, tampered with this kitten, then sent it home to die!

This is the third pet the family has lost to antifreeze poisoning since March when they lost a dog and a cat. Also several neighbors have lost beloved pets.

The main clue the police have to go on is the poisonings, which usually occur on a Friday night, began about a month ago. A mastiff, a Boston terrier and a Saint Bernard are earlier victims and lived across the street from each other. So far the Saint Bernard has been the only survivor. The three dogs were believed to be poisoned as empty meat wrappers were found in their yards.

The couple who lost the Saint Bernard has walked their neighborhood and handed out over 100 flyers informing the residents of the problems.

The Manteca police have increased patrols in the area. A transient was chased last week and admitted to throwing a few grapes into a yard. Grapes can be toxic to pets. The man was questioned and released.

The Park West Home Owners Association has also increased patrol in the neighborhood.

Manteca Crime Stoppers has put up a $1000 reward leading to the arrest and conviction of whoever is killing neighborhood pets. All calls can be made anonymously to (209)823-8346. I would like to note the internet phone number is listed as (209)823-4636, so I’m unsure which is correct.

I think it’s sad that our pets aren’t even safe on their own turf. Some good-for-nothing thinks it’s a game to throw poisoned meat over the fence and kill a dog that has done NOTHING wrong! And that poor kitty. It was just playing outside being a cat and now its dead and its human kids are devastated after losing a third pet to poisoning in less than 8 months.

Please keep an extra close watch on your pets. I don’t think it’s my imagination that people have gotten meaner in the past few months. Our little ones depend on us to keep them safe.

I’m sorry to be the bearer of so much bad news, dear readers, but that’s what’s coming in over my news alerts. Every day I hear from P.E.T.A., and ASPCA.

I get the bad feeling this is going to be a bad week to be a cat.


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Manteca, California Offers $1000 Reward For Information On Animal Poisonings

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Oct 19, 2010
by: kathy

All I have to say on this subject is that people are cruel. The human race is getting worse in their attempt to dominate this planet. I was appalled at the hunters attempts in alaska wanting to trap bears because they are trying to claim the bears are eating too many elk, deer or whatever else hunters try to find an excuse to kill these days. They are claiming they are not leaving enough animals for the hunters to kill. Trying to claim they are not leaving enough for the humans to eat. I find this excuse unwarranted since the united states has a perfectly good food stamp program for anyone who cannot afford to buy food. I know because I get them. Its not very much but its enough. Anyway with the price of bullets and such things like hunting licenses and such its a poor excuse. If they can but ammo they can buy groceries. Trapping by the foot is so cruel. I have lost my faith in fellow man to share this planet with anything but themselves.

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