Hundreds of cats poisoned by manufacturer’s cat food in South Korea??

Are hundreds of domestic cats being poisoned by commercial prepared cat food in South Korea??

In South Korea, a spate of mysterious cat deaths has sparked tension between pet owners and authorities. The owners doubt the innocence of the pet food initially blamed for the fatalities. This story mirrors another in America about which I recently reported: Troubling conspiracy theory about Purina pet food poisoning cats and dogs in …

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Holidaymakers should protest against Cyprus’s animal cruelty by not visiting

Too many feral cats in Cyprus and far too much animal cruelty of various kinds including the poisoning of kittens, cats and dogs

I’ve just visited a holiday forum on the Internet. One resident said that if you are making your first visit to Cyprus “you should be warned that animal cruelty is prevalent here”. They said that it was the “one thing I hate most about living in Cyprus after 10+ years and it doesn’t get …

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In Australia if you kill foxes feral cat numbers increase in places where these ‘pests’ are sympatric

In Australia where the fox and feral cat are sympatric if you poison foxes to death with bait the feral cats tend to do better and kill more prey animals

The Conversation website boldly states that “baiting foxes can make feral cats even more brazen”. That statement is based on a study of 1.5 million camera traps photographs taken in forests of Australia. They studied the photographs by hand. ‘Sympatric’ – where wild animals live in the same area or their distribution overlaps. Is …

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Here’s why you should wear surgical gloves when applying cat flea treatments

Wear surgical gloves to apply cat flea spot on treatments to protect nature

This is a short post to drive a point home about the toxicity of cat flea treatments, the most common of which are the spot-on treatments in which a drop of an insecticide is placed on the cat’s skin between the shoulder blades where the cat can’t get at it. This preventative treatment is …

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UK police want cat owners to use GPS cat tracking collars

GPS tracking collar for cats is an item which is recommended by the UK police force.

Through one of their policewomen acting as a spokesperson, it appears that the UK police want cat owners to purchase GPS tracking collars for their cats after a spate of cat poisonings in Swindon. It seems to me, that the police want indoor/outdoor, unsupervised domestic cats to wear GPS tracking collars because it will …

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When and how to make your cat vomit to treat poisoning

Insecticides are the most common cat poisons

I think that every cat owner should know when and how to make their cats vomit. It sounds a bit intimidating but making your cat vomit is an emergency cure or treatment for poisoning when a cat ingests something which is poisonous. It should be done quickly. To achieve this the owner needs to …

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If your neighbour wants to poison your cat move home!

Barbera Minns the mad pensioner of Cornwall

NEWS AND OPINION: If the relationship between you and your neighbour is so bad that they consistently try and poison your cat (or kill them in any other way), I’d recommend moving home. Just do it quietly without complaint. I’ll tell you why but first I’ll tell you about Barbera Minns in Cornwall who’s …

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