My Lucifur Kitty Was a Tiffany

by Juls (DFW, Texas)

I like this page about Tiffany cats and enjoyed seeing everyone’s picture. I had a Tiffany until March of last year when he got sick and passed away. He lived a long life with us – he adopted my daughter and me back in ’96 and deigned to keep us until old age took hold of him. Lucifur was full grown when he came to us, evidently abandoned by previous residents of the apartment complex we lived in.

I never knew what breed he was until near the end. We had moved to a new city and at the new vet office there was a reference poster of the different breeds of cat. At the top, in the middle, sat my cat!!! I was very excited to learn what type of kitty he was. Lucifur looked exactly like your cat, btw.

His personality was that of a loner – he did not like other cats. He followed me around the house and was almost always within sight. He had his own pillow on the bed which he would curl up on when it was time for sleep. The only time he ever misbehaved in his entire life was when he peed on my ex-husband’s pillow. Evidently, Lucifur had the ex figured out sooner than I did.

I miss my kitty so much. I’m still heartbroken that he’s gone.

Back in ’09 his hair got matted to the point where we couldn’t get the mats out and we had to get him buzzed. The vet said that older cats’ saliva becomes thicker and it gets harder for them to groom. It also makes it difficult to brush the mats completely out. Here’s a video of the before and after of poor Lucifur getting his haircut:


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My Lucifur Kitty Was a Tiffany

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Jan 27, 2011
Lucifer the Tiffany Cat
by: Anonymous

I’m so sorry for your loss. I have a Tiffany named “Twinkie” and she, too, is quite the loner. She gets scruffy in the summer. She likes people and dogs better than the other cats. She won’t eat or sleep with them, either. In fact, she is laying on a bunch of papers not a foot from where I am typing this, waiting for her private evening meal. You can see her picture at:

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