by Joyce Taylor
(London UK)
My York Chocolate Cat
I own a york chocolate cat. He is a blue male with a really lovely nature. It was my intention to buy a female and breed yorks in Great Britain. I have had no luck in three years buying a female, and I have almost given up. Neither I nor my cat is getting any younger.
I don't think that Faries cattery is still existing.
There is another breeder in France (Edels Gardens) from whom I also never get a reply.
AS far as I know nobody else breeds these cats.
Ah…now I know your objective. They are rare. They are not recognised by either the CFA nor TICA in the US. These are the 2 dominant cat associations. I think you’ll struggle to find a breeder. Sorry. I couldn’t find one when I tried for a few minutes.
Oh thats a pretty one too. It is a shame that they are so rare. I would like to breed the York Chocolate and make the breed more known. I live in Denmark and here the breed is non existing at all.
Barbara. They are quite rare as you probably realise that. The Havana Brown is similar in appearance by the way and may be easier to find.
I am looking for a kitten af this breed. Anyone who can help me??
It sounds like overgrooming too me. He might be grooming himself too much causing the hair to be pulled out and ingested (eaten). If this is happening it might be due to anxiety. Make sure there are no stray cats in his world and that he gets on with other cats. Also make sure he is relaxed. Are you around alot? It may be due to separation anxiety. Is he fearful of something or someone? If it is not that it might be another medical condition requiring a vet visit.
I have my own York Chocolat cat and his back is losing hair so what should I do?