Thames Flooding Feb 2014 (picture)

A photo of the River Thames flooding at Ham, West London. It has not been bad here but nonetheless the river is bloated. It image does not have much to do with cats except for the obvious: what affects us also affects our cats.

River Thames flooding, Ham, West London, Feb 2014. Photo by Michael

Previous post on this subject.

14 thoughts on “Thames Flooding Feb 2014 (picture)”

  1. The author of the best comment will receive an Amazon gift of their choice at Christmas! Please comment as they can add to the article and pass on your valuable experience.
  2. How Kylee. Apparently, the UK is now the seventh most likely country to be flooded according to a survey. That assessment was made on the basis that we have a dense population of people in the country that live near rivers and on floodplains and of course there appears to be a change in the climate.

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