I believe that it needs to be stated again – which is why I am doing so here – that in China there are perhaps millions of animal advocates who are unhappy with the fact that there are no animal welfare laws to protect domestic cats and dogs, stray cats and dogs and many other animal species in China.
And a video which I have sourced from Weibo.com shows an apparently young woman distributing handouts to residents near to where she lives at a shopping mall which asks them to respect animals and animal welfare. The video can be seen on Weibo.com but I cannot embed the video on this page and therefore I have taken some screen grabs to provide readers with information about this kind woman.
It appears that this person is reacting to stories of animal abuse in China. It is welcome to me and many others to see what appears to be a grassroots movement against the pressing need to introduce animal welfare laws in China.
The lack of these laws is at the root of animal abuse but we can perhaps go a step further back because the reason why there are no animal welfare laws in China is because of a general but not universal culture in China which leads to a lack of animal welfare laws and in general an acceptance of animal abuse. Click here to read about that culture.
This is about culture and attitude ultimately which I argue places China in the Middle Ages in terms of animal protection. It’s time for change. Change is desperately overdue.
It’s time for China’s residents to regard cats and dogs and other animals as sentient beings and true companions, as members of the family if they are domesticated and living in homes.
And stray dogs and cats are terribly vulnerable in China as they are often beaten mercilessly. There are many horrendous videos and images of dogs being beaten to death on the streets of China where it appears that dogs are devalued to the point where they have zero value and where they are regarded as non-sentient. These images are all over the internet if search for them.
I just want to make sure that people understand that there are citizens in China who are as passionate – perhaps more passionate than me – about animal welfare. This needs to be recognised and they need to be respected.
We can’t generalise about attitude.
Here is a quote from a man on Weibo.com about animal abuse in China who I presume lives in China:
Anti-cat abuse organization super talk: Call for anti-animal cruelty law legislation to severely punish Jack’s spicy perverted cat abuse gang! Think about these cats being tortured to death, they really can’t calm their hearts, these scum who abuse animals are anti-human and anti-social in nature, they are comparable to 731, they are a group of shameless people, and severe punishment is not enough to deterrence!