Theory as to why animal abuse is so normalised in China

Poverty leading to a lack of education resulted in a long, generalised history of animal abuse

It seems that there is a general consensus that animal abuse is almost normalised in China. That’s probably an unfair assessment because there are many people very sensitive to animal welfare in China but in generalising China has a very poor reputation regarding animal welfare reflected in the fact that there are no umbrella …

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Activists fight back against nauseating Chinese cat snuff film gang

Li with face smeared with shit

This mysterious Chinese gang of cat torturers and killers has garnered a lot of comment and discussion on the Internet because they are so disgustingly horrendous. The things that they get up to are mindbogglingly horrific. But their activities are shrouded in mirrors and smoke with different names in different stories. I have written …

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Pet owners are submitting their cats to cosmetic surgery to give them cartoonish Mickey Mouse ears

Surgical instrument to ostensibly surgically alter the shape of cat eats for cosmetic purposes in China

Is this story true? If it is true, it’s not good. We know that some breeders change the shape of their dog’s ears; called ear-cropping but this does not happen with cats except for feral cats under TNR programmes in which the top 20% of the left ear flap is removed surgically. The Mail …

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We can’t expect China to stop animal cruelty even if they introduce animal welfare laws

The level of corruption in China would prevent the proper enforcement of any animal welfare laws that might be enacted in the long-term future in that country

China currently has no animal welfare laws. I’ve said it many times and it still shocks me bearing in mind this is the second largest economy in the world. The existence of animal welfare laws is a reflection on the morality of a society. We are compelled to conclude that Chinese society is morally …

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There are animal advocates living in China battling against animal abuse and a lack of animal welfare laws in that country

Young woman does her best to fight animal cruelty in China by distributing handouts to shoppers at a shopping mall to educate them and to try and change their opinions.

I believe that it needs to be stated again – which is why I am doing so here – that in China there are perhaps millions of animal advocates who are unhappy with the fact that there are no animal welfare laws to protect domestic cats and dogs, stray cats and dogs and many …

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Nauseating gang of cat torturers in China must be stopped somehow

Xu-Zhihui-Xu-Mouhui-Jack-Hot-Strip-Jack Spicey Strip

There is a notorious and evil Chinese man living in China who goes by various names including Xu Zhihui – Xu Mouhui – Jack Hot Strip – Jack Spicey Strip. See additional information below. He leads a gang torturing and killing street cats in China in the most outrageous and cruel ways. I have …

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Big bad China is scared of PUPPIES! A dysfunctional relationship with dogs.

Puppy in China is muzzled otherwise the police would kill the animal

“Owner has to muzzle a PUPPY or the pup would be taken and beaten to death by Chinese police”. This is the claim of an animal advocate on Twitter X: Phaedra. She does not tell us why the police would kill the dog or puppy. I can only guess: the Chinese devalue dogs hugely. …

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