There is a notorious and evil Chinese man living in China who goes by various names including Xu Zhihui – Xu Mouhui – Jack Hot Strip – Jack Spicey Strip. See additional information below.
He leads a gang torturing and killing street cats in China in the most outrageous and cruel ways. I have written about him before on an associated website managed by me which you can read by clicking on this link if you wish (opens a new tab so you stay on this page).
Update shortly after publishing this article: I’ve been told by a reliable associate (?? – not sure) who knows more than I do about this evil gang of cat torturers that the man I’ve mentioned Xu Zhihui is not the true leader of this gang but a person living in America who funds them. The gang members in China are ‘in hiding’. I have asked for confirmation of this and some sort of evidence if it is available as it sounds very strange to me and it may not be true. I will update this page again if and when I have some more information. Note: I now believe the person was trying to deflect me from exposing this disgusting gang.
The real leaders are in hiding and they use the name Xu Zhihui to post videos. I don’t know whether this is a real person or a fictional person. Probably the latter. It is symptomatic of this story that it is shrouded in smoke and mirrors which what I’d expect.

The gang’s activities are all a bit murky but one thing is clear: it’s all completely obscene and nauseating. It makes me very angry. They are organised and there is a counter-organisation of people in the West who are highly concerned about this and I’ve been contacted by one of their representatives. I want to get involved because I, like any other person concerned about animal welfare, particularly cat welfare, want to see this stopped but it is difficult to do this on an international level.
I’m told on the Instagram pages of the Feline Guardians Without Borders organisation that there is a “massive online cat abuse community [in China] hosted on cloud platform cloudfare”. The head of this gang, known as the Cat in Blender guy was identified to be Chaoyi Wang from Nanning. I have mentioned other names for this man which you can see on this page. Yes, this name came about because he killed a cat using a kitchen blender.
He is a cheerful, fun loving guy it seems to me. Look at his chirpy smile in the picture. But it also seems to me that he is completely mad; a psychopath and perhaps the most notorious and dangerous cat torture on the planet today. He puts Luka Magnotta to shame.
It doesn’t surprise me, and it shouldn’t surprise others, that this kind of shocking animal cruelty takes place in China because there are no animal protection laws in that large country, the second biggest economy on the planet where the government lives by standards of animal welfare that were present in the Middle Ages in the West. They simply haven’t developed in terms of animal welfare since the 13th century. There is a theory as to why this has happened. Click this link to read what Ai Weiwei says about it.
Apparently Chaoyi Wang was detained for 15 days and then released. To the best of my knowledge, the man is out there in China doing his thing; continuing to abuse cats in the most obnoxious ways. They work online and there is a screenshot from the “Love Cat” community on the above-mentioned Instagram account. It shows a list of torture videos which are updated regularly. These are horrendous videos which I can’t watch. Few can. Only the mad people who simply don’t see. They are blind to what they are doing; to what brings them pleasure. They don’t see cats as sentient beings. Dogs are abused/tortured in similar ways for the Yulin Festival and the dog meat markets in China.
Here it is:

The screenshot comes from the website operated by these cat torturers. The post on Instagram accompanying the screenshot tells us that animal activists “trying to combat these activities are being threatened by this group, with their personal information exposed.”
I don’t care about that. I’d be happy to be contacted by them or even threatened by them because I want to fight them. I want to beat them. I want to expose them as best I can. These torturers “hide behind fake identities and use Telegram’s platform to continue their cruelty unabated. We need collective action to put an end to this nightmare.” The quote comes from the Instagram account I’m talking about.
There are some petitions which people can sign if they are interested – I’ll add some links later if I can. All people interested in animal welfare should be interested in this. I believe that this is the biggest story out there on the Internet regarding animal cruelty and if the world outside of China tackled it we may get it to stop.
Feline Guardians without Borders have contacted Peter J Li, PhD, who commeted about this cat cruelty in response to an email: “Yes, we know there are thugs doing the torture and video circulating of those shocking videos on Chinese cyberspace. These acts are being tackled in internal policy deliberations and discussions in China. Policy elites over there are fully aware and are considering options. We are watching closely. Thanks, Peter (Associate Professor, East Asian Politics, Animal Policy and Law in China).
This looks useful to me is it tells me that the authorities in China are aware of this but what can they do it about without animal welfare laws? It would seem to me that Jack Hot Strip is not breaking the law because there are no laws. And are they genuinely interested? If they were they’d have stopped this ages ago.
One of the great problems in the modern world is that young people are more interested in social media fame, flashing the flesh, making money on social media, cute pets, clothes and appearance and all these arguably frivolous and superficial things compared to what I would regard as the real things that matter far more: protecting animals both domestic and wild. That’s not a criticism really. It’s an observation but the world needs the young people to step up and fight animal cruelty. Just as Greta Thunberg has stepped up to fight global warming.
I am an old man. We need young, vibrant and energetic young people to fight this horrible, disgusting gang of Chinese cat abusers led by Jack Hot Strip.
I have seen video’s where villagers have caught people like these men and beaten them, some to death. The best part is the authorities never seem to know who the villagers are which makes me very happy 🙂
Just read Lady Free Thinker got 30 Facebook/Meta accounts taken down of baby monkey torture. Maybe you could write them and they’ll investigate and find these sicko’s and also get their accounts removed. Give them as much info as you can with links too if you have them. They really get things done.
Social media is making monsters rich and it’s sickening. We can only hope villagers get their hands on them.