Thomson my Chartreux cat

Thomson my Chartreux cat

I got my cat, Thomson, from a rescue centre 2 years ago. He was 9 years old at the time and was blind in his left eye and also had a hip replacement!! Why you ask did I decide to go for a cat with seemingly so many problems? I simply fell in love with him.

Thomson is like no other cat that I have ever come across. I have only recently discovered that he is a Chatreux. He is the bravest cat ever, with absolutely no fear of anything, which sometimes is not always a good thing.

I got Thomson shortly after moving to a new house in a new area where I didn't know many people. However in the 2 years that I have had him he has introduced me to more people than I could ever have imagined.

His most favourite thing to do is to go visiting people who also live on my road. He very confidently walks into peoples house, jumps on their sofa, or even on their bed just to say hello. Absolutely everyone on my road knows and loves him. One guy who lives a few doors up is not a cat lover at all, but Thomson has definitely won him over. He says that he loves Thomson's attitude of just walking into anyone's house like he owns the place.

As much as he loves to go out visiting other people, he also loves being in the house with me. He sleeps on my bed with me and likes nothing more that getting cuddled up with me.

He also loves to travel in the car, I have taken him to the shops before in the car. He jumps in the back seat then onto the parcel shelf where he will stay for hours at a time if the sun is shining onto him.

Sadly last year he got an infection in the eye that he was blind in, so after trying unsuccessfully to treat with drops, I decided it was best that the eye was removed altogether. He is a much happier cat for it, and it has increased his street cred no end.

Getting Thomson has just been the best thing ever, he can be so annoying at times when he wanders off a couple of miles more than he should and I get a phone call to pick him up (I secretly think that he is just too tired to walk all the way back so gatecrashes someones house knowing they will call me!!)

It would be great to hear if anyone else has a Chatreux as naughty and wonderful as mine.



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Apr 06, 2011 With the cats.
by: Super Laurent

I have made skies from my cats and my ant colony, we played together in greatness of winds...

Apr 01, 2010 CATS 101-Chartreux Cat Story
by: CATS 101


I'm working on a TV show called, "Cats 101." We are currently looking for a good human interest story involving a Chartreux cat and its owner.
If you have a great story, or can connect me to someone who does, please e-mail me at

Animal Planet-Cats 101

Mar 15, 2010 They are different!
by: Anonymous

I didn't realize for awhile that I had a Chartreux cat (Micah). He was very different. He was quite and didn't hardly ever make any noise. He would fetch like a dog and is very intelligent. He was our kitten for over a year until we got another cat about 3 months old. Then all of a sudden he became this regal adult. He did get mad at me and would let me know about it. But given some time he has gotten over it. He loves his new little buddy (Matty), they lay together and play together. Now again, Micah seems to be very affectionate towards me. I can tell this is a rare but awesome cat. Powerful but yet nice and will come around you when you don't expect it. Just to say hi or sit with you for awhile.

Jan 06, 2010 STEVIE
by: Anonymous

I love the name Stevie for a cat, its so original!!

Sometimes our decisions are not logical when we decide on a pet, I think there is a lot of fate involved and things end up turning out better than you could ever have hoped.

I hope Stevie is living a happy life with you.

Aug 20, 2009 resue chartreux
by: Anonymous

Hi, I have a rescue 3 year old chartreux too! His name is Stevie and the RSPCA thought he'd been hit by a car. When I went to see him he had cat flu, conjunctivitis and he could only walk about 2 steps at a time before he had to sit down. I fell in love immediately.

Jul 05, 2009 Thomson - The Luckiest Chartreux Cat
by: Finn Frode

Hi Stephanie. I very much enjoyed reading about Thomson. May he live long. 🙂

As I described a while ago in the Moggie section, getting an elderly cat can bring a lot of joy. You get a cat with a fully developed personality including some of the eccentricities that life brings.

Yet, if you care for them, they turn out to be the most loving creatures you could imagine. And smart - very smart, because they've had to adapt to changing circumstances.

Jul 01, 2009 Thomson
by: Steph

Thanks for your comments.

Chatreux males are particularly big, but with small stumpy legs.

I do feel very lucky to have Thomson. He is 11 years old now so I pray he lives to a ripe old age.

Jul 01, 2009 "Chartreux cat"
by: Rudolph.A.Furtado

I am hearing this breed for the first time, besides its not listed in the "Cats" handbook published in 1992.

You are really lucky to stumble onto a loving pet which few have the privilege to experience in life.

Jul 01, 2009 Chartreux Cat from Erin Ga, USa
by: Erin

I adopted "Q" from Petsmart and had no idea what breed he was. At first my husband and I were concerned he was so quiet. Now we know why. It is amazing he is exactly as described and looks just like the pictures. We were worried that he was getting so big and not even a year yet. I now feel better knowing he is supposed to be large.


Jun 27, 2009 Pretty Rare Cat
by: Anonymous

Well, as far as I am aware, the Chartreux is pretty rare (see rare cat breeds). When I have gone to cat shows I have not seen one. That doesn't mean that they are not there but they are less commonly seen, I think, than other breeds so you are lucky too!

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