Tiger in Water

Tiger in Water

by Poochu

Pictures speak a thousand words. Tigers like water. Tigers can swim well. They have been known to swim in the sea for over a mile or more. There are recording instances of tigers visiting islands in the Sunda Strait, swimming in strong tidal currents.

In the hot season in India and other countries tigers often spend a lot of time, sometimes most of the day, half submerged in ponds and streams.


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Tiger in Water

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Oct 20, 2011
by: Kathy W

Hi Kathy W, I heard about that too. It is horrible. 18 Bengal tigers were shot. There are only about 1,400 in the wild. So 18 represents 1.3 per cent of all Bengal tigers in the wild. Most tigers in America are not purebred but generic. So these tigers were precious if they were purebred Bengal tigers.

For me is shows how a lack of proper regulation can lead to chaos. This person was not fit to have a private zoo. He should have been shut down and that animals rehomed.

It is a disgrace. The Ohio authorities should be ashamed of themselves.

A similar number of lions were shot too and other precious wild animals. Police love to use their weapons.

Oct 20, 2011
by: Kathy W

They just killed over 40 some animals that were let loose from an animal sanctuary here in the US. The man running it let the animal go and then committed suicide. They killed 18 tigers. Sad very sad. I see no reason why they couldn't have tranquilized these animals and tried to save them. They claim they tried to tranquilize a bear and it became extremely aggressive so they had to kill it. I pray all of those animals find it to the rainbow bridge. There were lions, giraffes and many more animals killed. Why the owner let them loose no one will ever know. Some were endangered species.

Oct 19, 2011
I love the pictures
by: Leah England

Beautiful pictures. They look so relaxed, thanks for sharing. I wish they could be free to live as they wish without fear of being killed by poachers.

Oct 19, 2011
Love the article!
by: Brandy

I would love to get a glance at a tiger swimming in real life. Thank you for sharing!

Oct 19, 2011
A magnificent animal
by: Ruth

Hello Poochu, how nice to hear from you again.
I love the photos, what a manificent animal !

Kattaddorra signature Ruth

Oct 18, 2011
Hi Poochu
by: Michael

Where these photos taken by you at a zoo? Tigers love water. I guess it keeps them cool in your hot climate. A lot of wild cats like water. Where there is water there is wildlife and that means prey for the cat.

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