Tiny kitten rescued just in time is showered with family love

This tiny kitten was rescued just in time and is now showered with family love. A wonderful journey from near death to a life brimming with love. He is best buddies with the huge, lovable family dog who took to the ginger tabby kitten immediately. The kitten’s smell fascinates him. The kitten is likely to be male as ginger tabbies are normally males.

Tiny kitten rescue just in time is showered with family love
Tiny kitten rescue just in time is showered with family love

The start of the kitten’s journey from near death from hypothermia and starvation to being embraced by the physical and emotional warmth of his new home looks disturbing to me (what about you – please comment). With the greatest of respect for the man who rescued the kitten, I have to say (as a cynical old man ๐Ÿ˜Ž) that I have some doubts about this rescue.


Watch her meet her 120-pound older sister ๐Ÿ’• @Kyle #kitten #kittensoftiktok

โ™ฌ original sound – The Dodo
Tiny kitten rescue just in time is loved by dog and caregiver. This is an embedded video which means it may disappear! ๐Ÿ˜’. Sorry if that has happened but you have the infographic below as a substitute.

Comment/opinion: I mean is it plausible to capture on video the kitten sloshing out of that drain in icy water. Would you normally have your video camera ready just for that moment or would you be totally immersed in trying to save the kitten and totally forget about capturing the event on video? Just asking – with respect as I don’t know. Forgive me if I am wrong.

The reason why I have mentioned it is because there have been a spate of fake animal rescues on YouTube and I am sure there are many on TikTok which is poorly administered by all accounts in terms of moderating uploaded videos.

That said it is a lovely ending. So perfect. He survived and now lives in a perfect environment where he can thrive. Grow up in a loving home and flourish as an adult cat.

There is not better relationship than between a big, cuddly dog and a vulnerable kitten when they love each other. Dogs can be very protective. It seems that dogs often have an unfulfilled desire to mother their offspring but as they are sterilised they don’t have puppies to raise. A kitten can be a nice substitute and they don’t mind that they are protecting and raising a different species of animal. Great.

Here is another dog-cat story:

2 thoughts on “Tiny kitten rescued just in time is showered with family love”

  1. Yeh, definitely an Aw story. I think people in general prefer cute rescue stories over stuff about philosophy! (โœฟโ—กโ€ฟโ—ก). I’ll be doing some more of these I think because I have got to please the public.

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