Abandoned calico kitten had given up in middle of country road before rescue

Calico kitten in middle of country road had given up but is rescued

Another kitten rescue from TikTok. A nice one. Lovely woman. There are many cat rescues on social media. Some (hopefully rarely) are sadly contrived and even set up but this one is genuine except that in days gone by no one rescuing a kitten from the middle of a country road where they had …

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Tiny kitten rescued just in time is showered with family love

Tiny kitten rescue just in time is showered with family love

This tiny kitten was rescued just in time and is now showered with family love. A wonderful journey from near death to a life brimming with love. He is best buddies with the huge, lovable family dog who took to the ginger tabby kitten immediately. The kitten’s smell fascinates him. The kitten is likely …

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Three sibling kittens cuddled up on a public bench wait to be rescued

This is very strange. Rare I’d say. I have never seen it before. This is a bench in a public place, next to a sidewalk (pavement). How did they get there? One thought comes to my tired, cynical mind. The owner put them there. She/he abandoned them. They curled up together to stay warm. …

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Woman asks AITA for not lending her estranged sister money because of veterinary bills for her cat

Woman asks AITA for not lending her estranged sister money because of veterinary bills for her cat

For me, this is an interesting story of family strife and cat love. Two opposites really. The story kind of highlights how a person can love a cat but dislike their mother and sister. And that mentality sticks for their whole life. AITA: Am I the asshole? SCENARIO: the Reddit.com website, a woman asks, …

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Man plucks kitten from bloated, fast flowing river after highest rainfall since 1880

Skip Campbell rescues kitten from bloated stream turned into a river in Sacremento, California

There is a bit of global warming in this kitten rescue story, if you believe in climate change as I do. The story is timely with COP26 rumbling on at Glasgow at the moment. The scientists are at one on global warming: it is happening. We should trust in them and get on with …

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Kitten will cast a love spell over her new forever family

kitten rescued from the walls of a Las Vegas home - Houdini

NEWS AND COMMENT: The words in the title are those of the Assistant Manager of the Helen Woodward Animal Center, Tracy Woodworth. She is describing a kitten who she’s convinced has some magic in her because of the her story and her rescue. I’m impressed with this kitten’s rescue. It shows the selflessness and …

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A clever way to rescue a kitten from a sewer pipe: food-flavoured towelling

Kitten hoisted from Colorado sewer pipe with towel rope

There is a neat way to rescue kittens from small-bore sewer and drainage pipes, which is to use a length of towelling flavoured with food, for example tuna. Towelling is best because it’s got more texture and it is easier for a kitten’s claws to get tangled up in it and to grab hold …

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