What Kind of Cat Do I Have?

by Andrea
(Vancouver, WA, USA)

I bought my cat from a Munchkin breeder. The advertisement said: Nonstandard Lynxpoint and White Munchkin Boy.

When I look at pictures of different cats, he looks like he may have Norwegian Forest cat in him, because his ears have lots of hair and he has long hair that comes out of his paws.

He seems small for his age (1 1/2 yrs) but I'm not sure, I think his father was a Napoleon??

He also, has an M on his head like the Maine Coon. Anyway, can anyone help me out?


Hi Andrea... thanks for visiting and asking. A non standard Munchkin is a Munchkin cat that is not a dwarf cat.

As you know dwarf cats have short legs but not all Munchkins are born with short legs. In fact about 50% are.

When they are born with normal length legs they are normal looking cats and called "nonstandard".

That means that you boy is Munchkin cat. That is his breed.

Within that breed there are a wide range of coat types. Your boy has lynx points. That means he is a pointed cat in the same way a Siamese is pointed for example but the points are affected by the tabby gene. He has tabby points in effect rather than solid coloured points.

The presence of the tabby gene also produces the classic tabby "M" on the forehead.

I could be miles of the mark but he also seems to have the inhibitor gene producing the smoke appearance coat that I think I can see on his back.

This is a coat in which each hair strand is lighter near the body and darker at the tip of the each hair.

I must say that he is a lovely looking cat. I hope that this helps.

I have moved this page to the Munchkin cats page by the way.

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What Kind of Cat Do I Have? to Munchkin Cats

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What Kind of Cat Do I Have?

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Mar 23, 2012
definitely a Nice Furry cat NEW
by: Anonymous

Looks like a cat of the Nice Furry variety to me.

Dec 26, 2011
Just wondering NEW
by: Kristina

My kitten was abandoned by its mother. Me and my friends have three of the kittens. Two of the cats are from the same litter and the other from an older litter. The thing is he has strands of hair coming from his ear that is longer and ncomes out past his ear. He also has longer hair and has almost a bob cat looking hair around his face. The other two cats are lighter but he looks black with white stripes coming up from his belly button the older he gets it almost looks brown and then black checkers on his tummy. He is very lovable but we think that's mostly because of us having to bottle feed them. I just wondered what kind he might be because he has had several eye infections and I wonder if it's due to his breed.

Dec 15, 2011
what kind of cat do i have?? NEW
by: Anonymous

he is like a dark gray?? what breed is it??

Jun 30, 2011
by: Hasan Warren


May 25, 2011
my kitten
by: chocoloco999

i have two kittens one is gray and has the pattern of a tabby and my other is black ginger colour and white what kinds of cats do i have!!!!!!

May 25, 2011
my kitten
by: chocoloco999

i have two kittens one is gray and has the pattern of a tabby and my other is black ginger colour and white what kinds of cats do i have!!!!!!

Mar 21, 2011
What kind of cat do i have?
by: Arika

My cat is white with spots that are black, gray and tan. Her tail literally looks like a raccoon tail and she has big green eyes.

Feb 06, 2011
found a stray cat
by: Anonymous

Im kind of fond of a stray cat i found but i don't know what kind it is ,its a black with grayish rings around it's tail I want to know what kind it is.

Jan 19, 2011
I know what you mean
by: Anonymous

I found a stray cat so we kept him. That was two years ago. I still don't know what kind of cat I have.

Jan 14, 2011
anoyying cat!
by: Anonymous

we found a two week kitten on our way to church. His birth day is may 2nd. I dont know if it was because he was in bad shape when we found him but its 3 months away till he turns 2 and he is practically the size of a kitten, mabye its just his breed... i dont know! Ah that cat is so annoying. he ripped a hole under my bed and hides in there..you can imagine how annoying it must be when he dosnt want to come out. I also think he has a crush on my dog haha.

Nov 25, 2010
I do not know what kind of Cat I have
by: Anonymous

Rascal is a grey and white cat...His underbelly and legs are white..From the top of his head, down his back and somewhat down the tops of his legs(almost like he is wearing a cape) he is grey striped but he also has dark dashes alongside the stripes...His tail I am told is longer than normal and is ringed like a raccoon..What is he?

Nov 10, 2010
i dont know where my cat came from
by: Anonymous

i have have a flame point simese and he sucks on everything also i have two dogs and when ever they come in they go near him and he does the hind back thing and hisses what could have happend to my cat with dogs or does he just hate dogs

Jul 23, 2010
i dont know what kind of cat i have
by: Anonymous

he is orange and striped with a V on his forhead. very freindly and medium length hair. his eyes are slanted and he has green eyes his tail looks like a raccoon tail! any suggestions for what kind of cat he is?

Jul 23, 2010
i dont know what kind of cat i have
by: Anonymous

he is orange and striped with a V on his forhead. very freindly and medium length hair. his eyes are slanted and he has green eyes his tail looks like a raccoon tail! any suggestions for what kind of cat he is?

May 20, 2010
Thank you!
by: Andrea

Thank you for the information and the nice comments! He is such a beautiful sweet kitty! I am so lucky 🙂

May 19, 2010
by: kathy

I dont know what breed he may be but all I can say Is he is adorable!!

43 thoughts on “What Kind of Cat Do I Have?”

  1. The author of the best comment will receive an Amazon gift of their choice at Christmas! Please comment as they can add to the article and pass on your valuable experience.
  2. Hi Cathy. He is one of those random bred cats who have exceptional coat markings which are highly unusual. It is a random process and sometimes (very rarely) cats have intriguing coat pattens. A very interesting looking little boy. Treat him as a rare cat.

    As for the chirp, that does not surprise me. The meow is a cat-to-human call. Between their own species cats make a range of sounds like the one you have mentioned. My cat is a feral rescue and I raised him from a kitten and he does not meow. He makes squeaks and chirps. I think it is because during his formative weeks he had not human contact.

    Thanks for sharing Cathy.

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