WHITE COAT WASTE PROJECT campaigns for the enactment of the Accountability in Foreign Animal Research (AFAR) Bill

Dollars down the drain
Dollars down the drain. White Coat Waste Project wants the taxpayer dollar waste to stop as it is madness. Image: MikeB

The White Coat Waste Project (WCW) relentlessly march on to their next campaign which is to ensure that the bipartisan Accountability in Foreign Animal Research (AFAR) Bill is passed by the US government to put an end to all US taxpayer funding of animal testing in adversarial countries.

Recently, they’ve had great success in exposing and defunding the National Institutes of Health (NIH) ‘gain-of-function’ experiments on humanized mice in Wuhan that likely caused COVID, and they cut off taxpayer funding for Putin’s deadly treadmills tests on kittens and all other animal labs in Russia. They also worked with Congress last year to cut off taxpayer funding for gain-of-function experiments in Russia, China, and other adversarial nations.

RELATED: WHITE COAT WASTE PROJECT’s campaign stops American funding of animal experiments in China and Russia

They’ve uncovered dozens of other animal labs in China which are still eligible for funding by US tax dollars. They call it madness and they are correct. With passion and commitment, they want to see it stopped for good.

Here are some Chinese labs that WCW list on their website which are potentially eligible for US funding.

WCW want to “permanently cut NIH funding for all animal testing labs located in China, Russia, and other adversarial nations (currently including Iran and North Korea)”. 

WCW say that “The AFAR Act was first introduced last Congress by Waste Warrior awardee Rep. Lisa McClain (R-MI). This year, Rep. McClain has rallied bipartisan support for the new-and-improved AFAR Act from Rep. Don Davis (D-NC) and attracted leadership in the Senate from Sen. Joni Ernst (R-IA). “

Statement from Justin Goodman, Senior Vice President, White Coat Waste Project
“As we first exposed in Wuhan, shipping taxpayer dollars to animal testing labs in China, Russia and other adversarial nations is a recipe for disaster. Our Worldwide Waste campaign has defunded the Wuhan lab, Putin’s kitten tests, and all Russian animal labs, but we’ve uncovered how dozens of animal labs in China are still eligible for more taxpayer money. Over 70 percent of taxpayers—Republicans and Democrats alike—oppose this reckless spending, and we applaud Rep. Lisa McClain, Rep. Don Davis and Sen. Joni Ernst for introducing the bipartisan AFAR Act to stop our money from flowing to foreign adversaries’ animal labs. Stop the money. Stop the madness.”

Statement from Rep. Lisa McClain (R-MI)
“No American tax dollars should ever go to funding research on animals in foreign countries, especially adversarial countries. We know what happened when we funded research labs in Wuhan, and it’s time we stop this dangerous funding once and for all. I am proud to introduce the AFAR Act with my colleagues Rep. Davis and Sen. Ernst.”

Statement from Rep. Don Davis (D-NC)
“National security is about more than military funding. To protect our nation from another preventable pandemic, we must take steps to prevent dangerous animal experiments that can lead to the spread of disease. One solution comes in the form of the Accountability in Foreign Animal Research (AFAR) Act, legislation that prohibits federal funding for animal research and testing in China, Russia, Iran, and other foreign countries of concern. Hard-working taxpayers in eastern North Carolina and across America should not be paying for risky experimentation in countries not subject to regular oversight and accountability. It is as simple as that.”

Statement from Sen. Joni Ernst (R-IA)
“We successfully pulled the plug on U.S. taxpayer funding to China’s Wuhan Institute and Russia’s labs—for now. The AFAR Act will guarantee not another penny will be spent subsidizing crazy and dangerous experiments, like putting cats on a treadmill or enhancing bat coronaviruses in Russia and China ever again. I applaud Reps. Lisa McClain and Don Davis as well as the White Coat Waste Project for their efforts exposing and putting an end to this whacky Washington waste.”

Joni Ernst tweeted:

No more taxpayer $ for pet projects in China and Russia.

I am a great fan of WCW. Please support them in their campaigns which fight the madness of US funding of animal testing in adversarial countries.

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