Will Boris Johnson’s and his partner Carrie Symond’s adopted rescue puppy get on with Larry the cat?

Boris Johnson and his partner Carrie Symond’s have adopted a rescue puppy abandoned by a Welsh farmer. The 15-week-old Jack Russell cross was rescued by the Friends of Animals Wales.

The cute Jack Russell cross rescue puppy adopted by Boris Johnson and Carrie Symonds
The cute Jack Russell cross rescue puppy adopted by Boris Johnson and Carrie Symonds. Photo: Facebook

“There is a dog. The dog is like a giant rat of Sumatra, it is a creature for the whom the world is not ready.” – the words are a reference to a Sherlock Holmes mystery mentioned by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle but not written.

He was asked about the potential difficulties of a dog joining Larry the cat (the resident mouser) at Number 10 Downing Street. He provided a typically amusing and intellectual Boris answer (see above) but it was no answer because he can’t answer the question as no one can..yet. I think it’s been agreed that Boris Johnson will be joined by his partner at Number 10 in due course.

For this website’s international visitors and in case you are unsure, Number 10 is a reference to Number 10 Downing Street which is the office and living accommodation of the Prime Minister of the UK. As it happens, the Prime Minister normally lives at Number 11 because it is a bigger flat.

Back to the question at hand and whether this dog will get on with Larry who’s been at Number 10 for quite long time. It’s hard to predict the outcome. In an ideal world I think it would have been better if the Prime Minister and Symonds had adopted an adult dog who was known to get along with cats. As this is a puppy, his character vis-a-vis relationships with domestic cats is probably unknown unless of course the people who run the shelter know for a fact that this dog gets on with cats.

I expect that they discussed it with the shelter staff and are satisfied that it will work out. However, we will have to watch and see how they get along.

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