WARNING: THERE IS A LINK TO A VIDEO OF HER CAT IN A RUNNING WASHING MACHINE ON THIS PAGE. Don’t play it if you think it will harm you. I have decided to present it (on a separate page where there are no ads) as it forms the main body of evidence against this woman who has committed a gross crime of animal cruelty which would attract a long prison sentence in most jurisdictions. It is macabre because it starts off with this criminal, a pretty Asian woman, gazing into her cat’s eyes lovingly. This woman needs to be apprehended and questioned and possibly charged and prosecuted. Please therefore pursue this objective.
Note: there seems to be some visitors who are trying access the video direct but they are not succeeding. The only way to see it is by clicking on the link below, half way down the page. Thanks. The reason why the video is off this website’s server is because the hosting company insists on it and there can be no adverts on the page where the video is shown. It is that bad and in the modern woke world these sorts of videos are a no no.
SUMMARY: A young, pretty, attention seeking Asian woman (above) obsessed with with the size of her breasts and in presenting herself on Instagram in semi-pornographic poses tortured and killed her cat in her washing machine. It happened a few days ago. She filmed the whole horrific process for her gratification. She is the devil incarnate. This is the work of the devil but when Instagram were notified, they refused to act.
The woman who is believed to be Chinese and whose real name we don’t have, briefly presented a screenshot of her pretty, white cat dying in her washing machine on Instagram. Her followers were outraged. It’s heartbreaking, not just the physical pain, but the trust this poor creature had in her as her owner, and then this betrayal. The reaction to the screenshot by other users of Instagram was understandably complete disgust. She pushed back and ignored the criticisms by telling them to f*** off. It is sickening behavior from both this narcissistic woman and then Instagram by failing to act.
Instagram was made aware of this woman’s crime, a clear crime by Western standards and the standards of almost all jurisdictions on the planet but failed to take action against the woman. Instagram simply brushed the matter under the carpet by passing the buck to the complainant asking him to contact the website where the video can be seen.
The problem it seems is at least partly this: the woman lives in the south of China in a place where they eat lots of cats. She is in a place which is arguably the cat meat capital of the world and where many people have a complete disdain for animal welfare. There are no animal welfare laws, there is no protection for animals which allows them to treat animals anyway they wish (often very badly). She was tracked down through her IP computer address to Guangzhou, Guangdong, China. A screenshot of her IP address and map location are presented below.
Note: I have contacted the SPCA in Hong Kong about this to see if they can do something although unlikely.
Update: They responded with this email:
Thank you for your message reporting a suspected cruelty incident to us. We have visited the website you referred to and as you mentioned the incident might have happened in China. Unlike Hong Kong, there is no legislation on animal cruelty in China that we from here cannot take any legal action against the alleged person.
We however have forwarded your message to our colleague, Darren, in China who is based in Shenzhen, Southern China and is copied in with this message. Darren has conducted massive educational activities in China to raise the awareness of animal welfare of the general public. If we have further information about this incident, we will inform you accordingly.
Thanks again for bringing the matter to our attention.
The person who made the complaint to Instagram about this woman is a guy called MIKE. Below is what he wrote in emails to me. It describes his efforts to get Instagram to act against this person; to try and get her arrested and prosecuted. He also presents links to this woman’s Instagram page and the video.
She was using the username “0bcd0_”, the switched it to “cool666w” maybe 24 hours after. Then it went private for a while. Now her profile is nowhere to be found, however here is an archive from instarix, you can see she has other posts which violate Instagram as well. (Both links lead to same account) Very deranged.
- http://instarix.com/cool666w/ – this link no longer works
- http://instarix.com/0bcd0_/ – this link no longer works
Finally, the video. I’m not sure if it’s even legal to possess this sort of thing. It’s terrible….
Click here to see the video
Note: the video is on Google Drive. They allow gore under the following terms: “Graphic material, such as content containing significant amounts of blood, may be allowed in an educational, documentary, scientific, or artistic context, but please be mindful to provide enough information to help people understand the context.” I argue that the video should be allowed for educational purposes.
FINALLY THE 3rd IMAGE (there were 2 more but one has gone missing for some inexplicable reason).
Some further words from Mike summarising this dreadful story:
“Are you aware of a seemingly mentally disturbed Asian Instagram attention seeker (with 11K followers) putting her cat in a washing machine and filming it as it slowly died? She briefly posted it on Instagram and later made posts taunting her followers after most of them reacted with disgust, such as a post with her middle finger that I’ve attached. (I won’t attach any of the more graphic material unless requested)
I have the video of the crime and a post she made on Instagram and later deleted with the cat in the washing machine. It’s a horrific stuff. Really, really bad. You can’t unsee it.
I’ve been in contact with Instagram. Their initial response was absolutely pathetic. They told me that the content was not presently on their site and if I’m disturbed by it to contact the site it was posted on. This was in reference to the video, which wasn’t on Instagram at the time I e-mailed them, but someone mirrored it on another site which I gave Instagram the link to assist in what I thought would be an investigation. Obviously, my complaint to Instagram was with the intent of them helping the authorities bring this psychopath to justice, not simply about content being offensive to me.
RELATED: Alabama veterinarian grossly abuses elderly cat while being filmed
I responded to Instagram’s reply to me more than 24 hours ago by sending more evidence and giving them a 24-hour ultimatum to indicate to me that they are taking proper steps, i.e. contacting the authorities in the country the psycho is making her posts from and providing them with everything they need to press charges. The 24 hours is up and I haven’t heard back from them. They didn’t even suspend her account. I’ve received no indication they’ve done anything at all.
I think this needs to go public. And I think Instagram needs to be shamed for their apathy over this matter. Had they acted sooner, the apprehension of this monster had a higher probability than now. Instead, she’s now hidden her profile, changed her username multiple times, and who knows what other precautions as she knows there is a small community of hackers working against her. Yesterday the hackers even figured out her IP, unfortunately it’s in China and she has since changed it.”
Agreed. Nothing less will do.
That woman deserves more pain than the cat,that woman deserves eternity in hell
Exactly. God sees everything. Thank you Carol. I will spread awareness on Twitter. I already know how so-me (anti-social media) converts people into lunatics, its apparent in modern youth, smartphone zombies and raw aggressiveness towards parents. But remember, God knows everything, and everyone will meet our Saviour after this life, and get judged accordingly.