Bengal Cats (comprehensive article)

Thoughts from non-professional cat keepers

This section contains information from “Joe Public” who are cat lovers and who know cats….

bengal cats for saleALLERGY As for any cat the Bengal may be allergic to vaccinations. You can find out by staying at the vets after the injection and waiting half an hour to see if a reaction happens. A vet can give a pre-vaccination shot.

CHEWING FUR Does your Bengal eat false fur or paper? If yes it could be because the paper makes a noise (like prey) and the fur feels like prey. It may be due to a condition called Pica. It is quite common in Oriental and Asian cats and is found in Siamese cats. Remove these object and provide safe alternatives and/or apply a product called Granick’s Bitter Apple, which helps deter bad habits. Another possibility is to increase the amount of roughage in the diet, with a high fiber prescription diet and providing plants that are cat safe might help. Pica is defined as an abnormal compulsion to eat things that aren’t usually eaten. It is not clear what causes it; weaned to early, anxiety, boredom, diet deficiency or illness. I favor boredom as this breed is very active and needs challenges.

RE-HOMING If you can’t afford a Bengal try but since writing this I have compiled a comprehensive list of Bengal cat rescue centers and groups.

Bengal cats for saleRESCUE CENTERS Apparently animal rescue centers discourage the buying of Bengal cats for sale (is this because they are too wild – remember the CFA won’t register them or to encourage people to adopt a rescue cat). Don’t know if this is a fact, more a thought……

CHARACTER F4s Bengal cats for sale are not wild but they are a bit different; They are smarter and more assertive. They do seem to be physically stronger than their appearance would suggest.

COMPANION Bengals need the input of the human companion as they are interactive and to a certain extent demanding. If you are away a lot think of getting a companion pet for your Bengal cat, this will help.

BREEDERS As for all purebred cats, ask the breeder questions. If the answers are transparent then OK (health certificates come to mind). Cheap Bengal cats for sale may be sickly or badly breed, beware. Think carefully be adopting a Bengal.

Bengal cats for saleDANGEROUS? At one point in time the South Dakota Department of Game Fish and Parks believed that the Bengal was a danger to the human owner. They still might?

REGISTRATION You can register the Bengal with TICA, ACFA, GCCF, and AACE but not the CFA.

LEGAL? They are legal in California (guess you knew that :-). They can get stolen. They are best then kept indoors BUT they are active so does this mean this cat gets bored and chews things see above – Pica? Note: As at July 2007 the Bengal cat and wild/domestic hybrids are illegal in Iowa. Check this out in more detail.

DECLAW? Don’t declaw a Bengal as it may develop biting and urinatbengal cats for saleing habits. Plus it is cruel especially for a cat this athletic. If you want to declaw your cat don’t get one. It is against the cats interest to be declawed.

PET STORE Pet store Bengal cats for sale are illegally in the USA. Is this correct (I live in the UK)?

APARTMENT Can you keep a Bengal cat in an apartment? Yes and No. They are not made for apartment living. My opinion is no unless it is a very big and entertaining apartment. A Persian, for example, is much better adapted for indoor living. Bengals are too active. But if you are around a lot and there are play areas etc. in your apartment, plus you take him/her out supervised then perhaps, yes. Please think of the cat.

15 thoughts on “Bengal Cats (comprehensive article)”

  1. The author of the best comment will receive an Amazon gift of their choice at Christmas! Please comment as they can add to the article and pass on your valuable experience.
  2. Hello again Michael, I wanted to Thank You for your quick reply, and all of the pertinent info on the Bengal Breed. It will be very helpful in my decision making. Best Wishes for you and your family this Holiday Season. Happy Holidays. Bruce

  3. I have a T-3 female gold glitter tip. And her father was a double international champion T-1 he was large around 30 pounds. On my girl Kochka she is very curious and likes to get into everything. And she loves her buddy my Flame point Siamese. The do sneak attack on each other.Plus my Siamese Snooks was in the 2001 cat calendar in Louisville, KY.

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