Shocking results. Lifespan statistics of 11 purebred and non-purebred cats (UK).

Illustrating an article about domestic cat lifespans

This ‘life table’ (see definition below) comes from a study which has allowed publication here under conditions which I have complied with. Lifespan statistics for purebred and crossbred cats (including cats without breed information) under primary veterinary care at practices participating in VetCompass in the UK in 2019. Note: You may have to view …

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Missouri Rex cat breed

Missouri Rex. We don't know what it looked like.

This is a now non-existent cat breed to the best of my knowledge, based on the fact that it first appeared in the early 1990s and only three individuals existed in the late 1990s due to financial mismanagement according to a most reputable source: Sarah Harwell. The mismanagement led to ‘most [cat] being destroyed’. …

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Cat breeds that were created in the US (45 in all)

Different types of domestic cat. Forty-five breeds have been created in the US.

Here’s a list of cat breeds that were created in the US. Unsurprisingly, no other country comes close to the US in this respect. It is the world’s largest purebred cat market by quite a considerable distance. Why is America the leading country for the domestic cat and particularly the purebred cat? I’ll focus …

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Which cat breed should a first-time owner pick?

Havana Brown 'Cocoa' reclining by Helmi Flick

People ask “Which cat breed is best for first time owners?” You’ll see a lot of answers on the internet with long lists of many breeds all being suitable for first-time buyers which tells you that there is little difference between the breeds on this criterion according to these authors. So what does a …

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Beware of superlatives in relation to the cat breeds

Describing the cat breeds in terms of superlatives is often misleading

‘Superlatives’ in the context of the cat breeds are adjectives describing the: You see superlatives in respect of the cat breeds a lot because they interest people who are thinking of adopting a purebred cat. Buyers/adopters are researching the cat breeds and they want guidance. So, the website owners ask their authors to come …

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Kurilian Bobtail (information verified by breeders)

Kurilian bobtail

Above: Photograph of TAIGA © Helmi Flick Introduction The Kurilian Bobtail (Kurilian, Curilsk Bobtailis, Kuril Bobtail) is a “natural” cat and a “mutated” cat. The breed is little-known in the West but is the 3rd most popular breed in Russia, where there are about 40 catteries – see three excellent Russian bred Kurilian Bobtail …

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Notes on the personalities of cats of various cat breeds

Cat breed personality as per a study

There have been various studies on the personalities of cats of a number of cat breeds. It’s an interesting topic. I’ve always thought that it is challenging to state that all members of a cat breed have a certain personality. You can’t say that because individual cats have their own personality which modifies any …

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The reason why it is difficult for an app to identify a cat breed correctly

App to identify cat breeds

You’ll probably find more than one app online which you can download to your smart phone (cell phone) which claims to identify cat breeds from a photograph. The picture shows a screenshot from one which is available on Google Play and it’s called Cat Scanner: Breed Recognition. It has a 4.2-star review with 1 …

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