An update has been posted on Bootzy, the cat from Nebraska who was shot with a bow and arrow. PoC reported on this horrific case back on August 5. The person has been identified and he’s a juvenile.
Adams County Feline Coalition posted Friday
“The person who shot the arrow into Bootzy has been identified. This person is a juvenile and the name will never released. The court date, sentence/fines will be a closed case because it is a juvenile.
We thank the Adams County Sheriff’s office for their quick response to this case. The person(s) who led the officers to the offender are requesting that the reward money be directed towards veterinarian bills. Thank you to everyone who shared their compassion, dollars and loving concern for Bootzy.
Please. Only positive comments are allowed on this post. We know there are a lot of angry people who think more should be done, but let the legal system do their job.”
Yes, we’re angry. Not only for this little monster shooting a defenseless cat but also because the legal system won’t ‘do their job.’ Because they really CAN’T do their job. I feel sure the community has a name and hopefully this person will get a good dose of ‘karma.’
What will likely happen is the kid will be ordered to take some type of class or ordered to undergo therapy of some sort. Other than that, we wait.
We wait for the accused to graduate from his role as animal abuser to abusing a person. Most likely a person he claims to love. We wait for him to break into a vehicle or break into a home and even then punishment is never as it should be.
Since his record will remain sealed, even if he does get into trouble once he comes of age, the information may not come out in a future event since its sealed. What I’ve seen in cases like this more than any other scenario is the animal abuser is already abusing a girlfriend.
Thanks to our lenient justice system, this abuser can go out tomorrow and shoot another cat. I’ve read on the Adams County Feline Coalition page in the comment section that several cats may be missing in the area. Let’s hope that’s only a rumor and that this monster isn’t responsible for a killing spree.
Nebraska cat recovering after being shot with arrow; reward offered
This little fuck is proteced by the courts. Of course he is. If he is big enough to do the crime then he is big enough to die! I say take a gun or machete and smash his fucking grey matter all over the place!! He will only do it again and again! This is the problem with the authorities! They let assholes no matter their age get away witht his shit! And they wonder why these fuckers keep doing this! Death sentence for this piece of shit!
Thanks for commenting Marlern.
The people in this area cant be barred from telling his name. I hope someone releases it. I also hope he gets an arrow up his ass.Maybe some compassionate person living there will see he gets what is coming to him.