Cat Door For A Window

Cat Door For A Window

by Michael
(London, UK)

Where is my cat door...!? Photo by by Nigel Jones (Flickr)

Where is my cat door...!? Photo by by Nigel Jones (Flickr)

A selection of cat doors for windows or sliding doors are on this page. A cat door for a window is a cat product that is quite well searched for on the internet. I have thought about one myself on occasions as I live on the ground floor in an apartment. Fortunately there is a "back door" so a cat door or cat flap can be inserted into that. However, where there is no access to a ground floor apartment other than through the front door into a hall, a cat door for a window is a possibly neat solution if you want to let your cat go out unsupervised; that is be an indoor/outdoor cat.

I would be cautious about letting a cat go out unsupervised because it is dangerous outside for a cat no matter where you are. That said there is an argument that full-time indoor cats live a limited, unnatural life. The best solution is a compromise and Finn achieves that nicely.

Back to the cat door for a window. As can be imagined, the availability of such as product depends on the type of window. Some windows are easily adaptable to accept a cat flap while for other designs it is impossible. For the latter, I would suggest that an ordinary cat flap would do. I don't see any reason why a standard cat flap for a door cannot be used in a window provided the cat flap/door is sufficiently flexible in design to accept a thin structure (single glazed window) to which it is attached.

The easiest window for the cat door is the sash window as this slides up and down and it can be raised to allow the whole cat door device to occupy the space where the window was. I presume that after installation the sash window operates in the usual way above the cat door device if that is required (or it could be screwed permanently shut). These devices have a window next to the cat door to allow light in that would otherwise be blocked by the device. They are available on Amazon:

Other sizes and designs can be seen by clicking on these links:

  • 33 - 33" to 38" Wide Window Sash Pet Door Chubby Cat Flap 7 1/2" X 7 1/2 X 10 1/2"
  • 27 - 27"-32" Ideal Sash Window Pet Door Chubby Cat Flap Sz 7 3/4"x10 1/4

Other types of windows than can be fitted with a cat door are horizontal sliding windows and patio doors. The window that opens outwards with a hinge on one side is not suitable. Some products that are available for sliding windows and patio doors can be seen on this website/page: (opens in a new window or tab).

Returning to the sash window cat door, the complications in installation are going to be ensuring an accurate fitting width wise (but see below) and sufficient space vertically for the whole product to be fitted and to allow for the window to be opened if that is desired. There is also the question of how to lock the window onto the cat door installation. Does the product have an substitute window locking clasp? The window should be measured from inside the window grooves left and right. This part requires caution and care but these devices are adjustable please note. Reviews indicate that it is easy to fit. They only come in white, it seems.

In fact, you can see that the Amazon listed products are adjustable over a five inch range (5" range-spring loaded adjustment). The manufacturers say that no tools are required and that they fit in minutes! The first one listed above "comes with a security pin lock that you can install if needed". I presume that this is a window locking device.

Some can be ordered double glazed for colder climates and for keeping the noise out. One last point. Your cat will need to get up to the window. Cats are good jumpers but not all are as good as they might be particularly if they are elderly. Steps might be needed and a sufficiently sized landing spot (window sill) for ease of walking through the cat door. Cat steps are freely available on the internet. Here is one example:

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From cat door for a window to Domestic Cat Breeds

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Cat Door For A Window

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Jan 17, 2012
Great info! I NEW
by: Ken Gessner

I always look for posts on the indoor/outdoor cat discussion to find out what people want and why they are looking for it, so I loved reading your post! I have a small online shop that specializes in cat doors for windows. I started from necessity and found them to be great selling items. I lived on the fround floor and this was a perfect solution for me. Since I am a carpenter, I decided I didn't need to spend $150. on one, so I now make affordable wuality flaps. I hope you will allow me to post my site,

I wonder if you have any comments or suggestions for me? Please let me know! Thanks, Ken

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