Cat Hanging In Rhode Island

Cat Hanging In Rhode Island

by Elisa Black-Taylor

This is about a case of cat hanging that is unfolding this week (24th Sept 2010) in East Providence, Rhode Island, USA.

To hang a poor helpless cat is beyond cruelty. I’d like to offer the readers here as much information on the case as possible with the intention of spreading the word to help bring justice to this poor cat.

This case of cat hanging is a really horrible example of animal cruelty and the police need help from the public in catching the person responsible for the cat’s death.

The hanging took place on Sunday, September 19 2010 on Roger Williams Avenue in East Providence.

The cat was found when a passerby was taking a walk with a grandchild. The child spotted the cat hanging from a tree on property belonging to Tony Almeida.

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The president of the Rhode Island Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, Dr. E.G. Finocchio, stated the cat definitely belonged to someone. This cat was well fed, not a stray, no fleas, and was wearing a pink collar with no identification.

Finocchio completed the necromancy on the cat Wednesday and his report stated the cat was still alive at the time of the hanging. This cat tried desperately to free himself. Examination showed there was bark and tree fiber in his mouth and stomach from trying to escape.

This act of animal cruelty was intentional. A shoelace had been tied around the cats collar then wrapped around a fence post and passed through a branch.

A video on the cat hanging can be found on this page (opens in a new tab/window).

Due to the graphic nature of the body, the police are not showing pictures of the cat around the neighborhood. They feel sure someone in the area would recognize the cat, which is described as a 5-7 year old gray and white male tabby. The cat was wearing a pink collar with no tags.

The police are unsure whether kids or adults are responsible. In either case, they are offering a $1500 reward for information leading to the arrest and conviction of the person or persons responsible. Information can be called in to the Rhode Island Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals at (401) 438-8150.

The maximum penalty for animal cruelty in Rhode Island is $1000 and 2 years in jail. Anyone who has information regarding this case is asked to report it immediately. This person needs to be punished. The area has had a few prior cases of animal abuse that were solved because a reward was offered.

Please spread the word about this cat and let’s hope the monster who did this is caught and punished.



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Cat Hanging In Rhode Island

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Sep 27, 2010
getting worse
by: kathy

Animal cruelty is getting worse. People are being disconnected from emotions. They dont realize that animals are living breathing creatures. They just see them as a lower form of life. I have so many people say to me “Its just an animal” I dont see it that way. My personal feelings are that they are our brothers and sisters and part of the intricate chain of life. Everything has a place or part of that chain. Native American teachings teach us this. Humans have become desensitized to many things. One of them being animal creuelty.

Sep 24, 2010
Cat Hanging In Rhode Island
by: dru

kitty…i’m so very sorry for how u were treated. our furfolk should b treated with respect. u’re in a better place, now. a place where NOBODY will ever hurt u again. i’m so sad 2 say, tho, that i don’t think they’ll find out who murdered u. but….miracles happen EVERY day…let’s hope, sweet boy.

Sep 24, 2010
Cat Hanging In Rhode Island
by: dru

kitty…i’m so very sorry for how u were treated. our furfolk should b treated with respect. u’re in a better place, now. a place where NOBODY will ever hurt u again. i’m so sad 2 say, tho, that i don’t think they’ll find out who murdered u. but….miracles happen EVERY day…let’s hope, sweet boy.

Sep 24, 2010
Cat Hanging
by: Anonymous

This is so TERRIBLE!!!! The monsters must be caught. This was obviously someone’s beloved pet. Imagine going for a walk and finding your baby hanging from a tree! Put them in jail and if it is kids, put them away for life!!! Most serial killers start off as animal abusers and killers!!! Stop the CANCER before IT spreads!!

Sep 24, 2010
Cat Hanging In Rhode Island
by: BJ

This is horendous, a person that would hang a cat would not hesitate to hang a human.

All states must pass stronger cruelty sentences for animal abuse, weather it be a nobody or a celebrity animal abuser.

Sep 24, 2010
What is this World Coming to?
by: Jo Singer

It seems to me that cruelty to animals is on the rise, and this horrendous act reaches levels that are unspeakable.

Our law makers must take acts of animal cruelty as seriously as child abuse. Perhaps if they realize that acts such as this often lead to domestic violence and child abuse, law makers could justify extended jail time for a felony crime.

It just broke my heart to read about this. What is this world coming to?

Sep 24, 2010
Hanging the cat !
by: Anonymous

Yes the person who did that should have the Maximum Jail time ! 2 years is not enough .the poor cat 🙁 🙁 I hope they will find the person .

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