Cat Owner Joins ISIS Because Humane Society Seized His Cat!

This is simply bizarre and stupid but it probably makes sense to the cat owner concerned.  The owner is a 45-year-old Omaha man living in Nebraska, USA.  We’re told that the Nebraska Humane Society seized his cat 3 months ago because they found out that he was throwing him/her in the air and letting him drop.  This behaviour towards his cat has resulted in him being charged with animal cruelty.  All that seems very straightforward and not untypical but nonetheless sad.

But things got a lot worse because this man decided then to join ISIS because they seized his cat.  The loss of his cat made him mad by which I mean angry (or is he a little bit crazy?).  He telephoned the Humane Society staff and told them that he intended to kill them and “gum them all down”.

That landed him in more trouble.  Then he threatened to join ISIS to bring down the Nebraska Humane Society and its employees.  That landed him in even more trouble.  He has been charged with making terrorist threats. This is a felony (a serious crime), which could well land him in jail for 5 years. Currently, he is out on bail at $25,000 . He also faces a misdemeanour charge of animal cruelty.

It would be nice to know exactly what he was doing with his cat which caused him to be seized by the Humane Society.  The way his cat abuse has been described (the description may well be incomplete) indicates that it was not serious enough for his cat to be taken from him.

It seems to me that this man did not really intend to join the terrorist group ISIS.  He just got extremely angry after he lost his cat to an animal charity because it was decided that he abused him/her. But in making the threats he well and truly compounded initial alleged criminal behaviour.

One answer could be that he has a drink problem. It may be as straightforward as that.

10 thoughts on “Cat Owner Joins ISIS Because Humane Society Seized His Cat!”

  1. The author of the best comment will receive an Amazon gift of their choice at Christmas! Please comment as they can add to the article and pass on your valuable experience.
  2. I have to admit I laughed when first read the headline. I thought it was a joke. Reminded me of that now-infamous Dakota Johnson Father Daughter commercial on Saturday Night Live when her Dad drops her off at the bus station and ISIS comes to pick her up: “Dad, it’s just ISIS.”

    I hope the cat in this cat finds a nice, peaceful forever home. He’s been through enough.

  3. This guy’s “I’ll fix you” stance may land him in jail. Even if his abuse case is unfounded, he now has assured that his cat will never be returned.

  4. What a beautiful cat. I hope that he went to a good loving home. He certainly deserves better. The man must have some underlying problems.

  5. There are many more serious animal abuses where nothing is done. This incident may have some aspects which haven’t been revealed. He seems mentally unstable, and possibly under the influence of drugs or alcohol.

    What a sad face on that beautiful cat! Looks like a professional picture.

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