Cat rescuer who thinks it best to euthanize feral cats rather than TNR them

This is a cat rescue organisation run by a lady in America where between January 1, 2011 and September 2016 1,782 cats were euthanized. The rescue organisation is called Project Cat and the person who created it and who runs it is a vegetarian whose name is Gail Mihocko.

Gail’s philosophy is the same as the philosophy of PETA. This is the philosophy which states that it is best to kill feral cats humanely rather than place them back from where they came having been neutered or spayed and vaccinated, to live their lives as best they can.

Gail’s philosophy opens up the debate about how to manage feral and stray cats. You can add to that community cats which are semi-feral or semi-domesticated cats living in the community.

Recently, Gail applied to the town of Rochester in Ulster County for a permit for her animal shelter which was granted. She applied late because she opened the shelter in 2002. Because she prefers to euthanise cats which she deems as being unadoptable, obtaining her shelter licence has opened a debate between TNR advocates and those who support killing feral cats. A lot of people disagree with Gail Mihocko.

There is a Facebook page entitled “Shut down the Cat Killing Project Cat”. It is dedicated to opposing the work of this non-profit organisation. People accuse Gail of trapping and euthanising indiscriminately resulting in some domesticated cats being euthanised. She denies this absolutely.

Gail believes that the only way of managing feral cats is to euthanize them. I think this attitude is out of step with the general objectives of cat rescue: to save lives. Interestingly, when you go to her website there is no reference to this philosophy. I believe that she should declare her attitude towards feral cats on her site. She’s fudging this.

Gill also believes that wildlife needs to be protected so one reason why she is euthanizing an extraordinary number of cats for a cat rescue organisation is because she wants to protect wildlife. Should that be her role as a cat rescuer?

Many people believe that simply removing feral cats from the environment by mass euthanasia or any other means is not the best way to deal with them. Also many people disagree that all feral cats live miserable lives. Many feral cats live perfectly acceptable lives sometimes as long as domestic cats.

The only way you can justify euthanising feral and stray cats is (a) to protect wildlife and (b) because you think that their lives are so miserable you want to save them from the misery and therefore killing them is a preferable outcome.

I tend to disagree with both of those reasons. It has not been proven conclusively and scientifically that predation by stray cats has had a massive impact upon wildlife as stated by ornithologists. Also feral cats are a human created “problem”. Is it moral to kill them en masse?

Respected Australian Scientist Admits the “Feral Cat Problem” is the Fault of Humans

Gail refused to say how many cats she takes into her shelter each year. She says that the number is irrelevant. She also won’t say how many of her rescue cats are adopted out but her website indicates that 28 have been adopted since August 2015. If that number is correct it is a very small figure compared to the 1,782 cats that she has euthanised over five years from 2011.

She says that many of the cats that she has euthanized tested positive for feline leukaemia and it appears that some of the cats that she has euthanised suffered from serious conditions judging by photographs.

By contrast, Ulster County SPCA state that they have euthanised 80 dogs and cats compared to her more than 2,000 cats over the past 10 years. The difference is stark. The SPCA say that they bring into their shelter 1,000 animals a year and euthanise under 10 of those animals.

Gail states that she often takes in cats from hoarding situations which the SPCA turn away. In defence, the SPCA state that this is untrue. They don’t turn away cats that have been hoarded it is simply that Project Cat gets there first.

Personally, I am surprised to read that a modern cat rescue organisation of this type (independent and private) has a philosophy which is the opposite to that of no-kill shelters. There is a gradual expansion of no-kill shelters in the USA. It is possible to achieve no-kill and it has been discussed often on the internet. It seems to me that a policy of mass euthanasia is a backward step in our relationship with feral and stray cats.

Reducing intake and speeding up adoptions are keys to no-kill shelters

Source: Daily Freeman News

Click to go to Project Cat – “Beyond just a cat shelter” – not sure what that means but it sounds rather sinister to me knowng that there is so many cat killings at the place.

26 thoughts on “Cat rescuer who thinks it best to euthanize feral cats rather than TNR them”

  1. The author of the best comment will receive an Amazon gift of their choice at Christmas! Please comment as they can add to the article and pass on your valuable experience.
  2. I think I want a franchise of that shelter in Florida, too many cat hoarding old ladys down here, cats always spraying on my cars and porch, I’d trap them myself and bring them in.

  3. Yes, totally agree about schools and educating children about animal welfare. This is so important I believe.

  4. I believe there is something very sinister & warped in the mind of someone who brands themselves as a cat rescuer but actually spends most of their time and resources on having the cats killed, especially when she does not have the funds to care properly for her own companion animals. The numbers of cats killed is shockingly high.

    I believe that people of the same beliefs as her have no place near any animal. I believe they are obsessed with the destruction of cats and their argument about protecting cat’s prey species is totally fallacious. I wonder how many subscriptions she has paid to songbird related organisations?

    I think that we need to have education about humane animal management on the curriculum of all schools, for all children, in every single country of the world. Trying to stop the tide of senseless killing, abuse, neglect & outright cruelty is impossible without it

    Big respect to ALL who support or are involved in TNR – it is the only way to humanely “deal” with feral cats.

  5. Why stop there? What about babies who have been removed from their parents? Wouldn’t it be kinder to just kill them outright rather than make them suffer in foster homes? OBVIOUSLY I AM NOT SERIOUS HERE. I hope St. Francis is waiting for this woman when she dies and also that she has flameproof underwear….she’ll need it!

  6. She feeds them and helps as best she can but she barely has the resources to properly care for her own pets. It would be impossible to catch and sterilize all the barn cats and there are no organizations to help (this is a very rural area). The animals she has had to shoot were grievously injured by cars or dogs and she has nursed some back to health but there seem to be no good answers and it is a never ending source of heartache for her.

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