What happens physiologically when a cat is humanely euthanized? Infographic.

What exactly happens when a cat is humanely euthanised? What physiological processes take place? The infographic summarises the answers to these questions. When a domestic cat is humanely euthanized, the process is typically carried out using an intravenous (IV) injection of a euthanasia solution, most commonly a barbiturate such as pentobarbital. This drug rapidly …

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A failure of some pet owners to recognise the intrinsic value and sentience of their companion animals

Vet and cat

My title to this article stems from a story in The Telegraph newspaper of yesterday which reports on a male veterinarian who ended his life because, in part, he was so distressed about a minority of relatively wealthy owners requesting that he euthanize their companion animals rather than treat them because the treatment would …

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Assisted dying of people and pets (slippery slope)

Tom Rhind-Tutt

This is about the euthanasia of companion animals versus assisted dying of people and that all important slippery slope. There’s an interesting article online today (The Telegraph) about an excellent veterinarian who loved his work (and still does to a certain extent) who it appears to me became somewhat disillusioned because he was asked …

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Turkey’s stray dogs face life or death in shelters under controversial new laws

NEWS AND OPINION: in my view, Turkey has, in general, a good relationship with domestic animals thanks to the fact that the large majority are Muslims and the Muslim faith by and large is sensitive to animal welfare but the trouble is that dogs are perceived by this faith nowadays as being dirty and …

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Fearful or feral? What shelter cats need. Infographic.

Fearful or feral shelter cat? What shelter cats need.

RELATED: Gently stroking and talking to cats at rescue centers prevents upper respiratory infections This infographic is about saving the lives of shelter cats as concerned shelter experts would say that too many shelter cats are needlessly euthanized (killed actually) because of mismanagement in one form or another. There are two components: mental and …

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Dutch autistic, depressed woman, 28, with 2 cats will euthanize herself soon

Young woman goes over the rainbow bridge after euthanising herself in The Netherlands with the assistance of a doctor

NEWS AND OPINION/DISCUSSION – THE NETHERLANDS: With the assistance of a doctor and in the company of her boyfriend, Zoraya ter Beek, 28, will euthanize herself in May (believed to be ‘assisted suicide’) because her depression and autism have not improved. She said to herself that if it did not improve, she’d end her …

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