Cat swallowed a sewing needle

The video shows the removal of the sewing needle from the back of a cat’s mouth by a veterinarian. Hard to watch. Some of the comments indicate that I am not alone in that regard e.g., “someone tell me he’s okay. I can’t watch this.”

Cat swallows sewing needle
Cat swallows sewing needle. I have doubts about the veracity of this story. Screenshot.
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The owner said:

“I’m one of the owners, his name is Loki and he is completely normal and playing again thanks to Dr. Cauthen! And we’ve had to hide more things.”

I have to say that I think it is very odd. Almost unbelievable that a cat would eat/swallow a needle. How can a cat do that? It has pain written all over it. I have severe doubts that this is genuine. It might be an example of animal abuse.

He must have been sedated for the procedure but not entirely anesthetized. That’s what it looks like. He accepts the removal without complaint. How the hell he swallowed the needle is beyond me.

If you believe the story, it must have been hellishly painful to swallow so why do it? He actually swallowed the thread I guess and the needle followed.

Cats do tend to have a habit of putting stuff in their mouths if it is lying around on the floor at home. But this? Bizarre.

But if you believe it, it is a reminder that small items left lying around the floor at home are dangerous to cats. The home of a cat caregiver needs to be kept tidy.

Cat plays the guitar with his mouth. Why?

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