Some suggestions on why cat and dog veterinary visits are higher during a full moon

Full moon dangers for cats?

A study from Colorado State University College of Veterinary Medicine and Biomedical Sciences found that during a full moon there is a slight increase in veterinary visits for cats and dogs which on the face might be considered a little puzzling but I have provided some suggestions. These were emergency veterinary visits and the …

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Reclining armchairs and sofas and riser recliners are a danger to kittens and puppies

Reclining chairs and couches are a danger to kittens and puppies

It’s that time of year i.e. Christmas, and people are more inclined to spend money on themselves and others. It’s a time when a caring cat caregiver might treat themselves to a new item of furniture such as a riser recliner or a reclining armchair so they can watch Christmas television in great comfort. …

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Rarely, cat litter made from corn can be contaminated with aflatoxins

Corn contaminated with aflatoxin

This is something which has been on the Internet for a while and which I have been slow to pick up on. Although I was reasonably prompt in picking up the possibility of aflatoxin contaminating dry cat food because there was a huge scare, indeed a scandal regarding dry cat food contaminated with this …

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Can Savannah cats be vaccinated like other domestic cats?

Can Savannah cats be vaccinated like other domestic cats

The answer to the question in the title is, YES. But the reason why I ask the question is because a lady on a page of mine about serval cats as pets said that “The Savannah, like servals, cannot be vaccinated for distemper, FeLV and other cat diseases which means they cannot safety be …

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Cat swallowed a sewing needle

Cat swallows sewing needle

The video shows the removal of the sewing needle from the back of a cat’s mouth by a veterinarian. Hard to watch. Some of the comments indicate that I am not alone in that regard e.g., “someone tell me he’s okay. I can’t watch this.” The owner said: “I’m one of the owners, his …

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Humble, slow-moving toad can poison cats with bufotoxin

Toads are poisonous to cats

Before I discuss bufotoxin, a particularly virulent poison otherwise known as ‘bufotalin’ carried by the humble toad (genus Bufo), I would like to quote a very brief extract from Dr. Desmond Morris’s book Catlore about substances poisonous to cats. A lot of poisons are inside the home because “we have thoughtlessly introduced [them] into …

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Methacrylate in nail polish is a potential hazard to cats

Methacrylate in gel nail polish is toxic and can harm humans. It may be a hazard to cats

I believe that this type of nail polish is a *potential* hazard to cats. I doubt whether there are any studies on it or any scientific papers supporting what I am saying here but logic dictates to me that if women are putting gel nail polish on their nails which contains methacrylate, a toxic …

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