Why do some cats not react to catnip?

Sphynx cat eating catnip is a shocker

We don’t know why some cats don’t react to catnip! That’s the complete and unhelpful answer. The experts think that a cat is predisposed to reacting to catnip because of their inherited genes. But we don’t know what genes are the triggers. The experts call it “the genetics of catnip sensitivity or susceptibility”. We …

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Domestic cats use catnip and silver vine to protect against mosquitoes?

Domestic cat luxuriating in catnip

There is a proposition online in the news media that the similar chemicals in catnip and silver vine, nepetalactol and nepetalactone respectively, can help protect a cat from mosquitoes and perhaps other parasites, as well as giving them a high. Do cats deliberately seek this protection from mosquitoes? The idea comes from a research …

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FYI – the volatile metabolites in catnip that affects cats are insect repellents

The active agent in catnip

It is universally known that catnip induces playful actions such as rolling on their backs and rubbing. Catnip affects both domestic and wild cats such as lions, tigers and ocelots. Approximately 2/3rds of cats are affected. The effective substances ‘agents’ that cause this behaviour are nepetalactones. These are ‘volatile metabolites’. It is believed that …

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What does catnip do to cats?

What does catnip do to cats?

What does catnip do to cats? In short it sets off a series of nerve stimulations from the nose to the centre of the brain where it has an effect upon the hypothalamus and the amygdala creating an emotional sexual response akin to responding to an artificial cat pheromone.

What percent of cats like catnip?

Catnip hangover

Thirty-three percent (one in three) of domestic cats do not respond to catnip and therefore sixty-six percent do. Eighty percent of domestic cats respond to silver vine another cat stimulant. Fifty percent of domestic cats respond to valerian root and the same percentage of domestic cats respond to Tatarian honeysuckle. Of the cats that …

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