Silvervine is non-addictive and safe for cats to enjoy

Cat reacts to silvervine

Until a recent study was published by a group of Japanese researchers led by biochemistry Professor Masao Miyazaki of Iwate University’s Faculty of Agriculture, there was no hard evidence that silvervine (matatabi) was safe and non-addictive to domestic cats. Although the general consensus was that it is a safe and a mild hallucinogenic which …

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Cats roll around on silvervine (matatabi) to protect themselves from mosquitoes

Cat in cage climbs to rub face on silvervine compound nepetalactol

Most cat caregivers know that domestic cats get a non-addictive high from silvervine and catnip. Silvervine is also called matatabi (又旅) or Japanese catnip. It is a climbing plant that grows in the mountainous regions of China, Japan, Korea and eastern Russia at an elevation of 1,600-6,200 feet. We also know that domestic cats …

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Domestic cats use catnip and silver vine to protect against mosquitoes?

Domestic cat luxuriating in catnip

There is a proposition online in the news media that the similar chemicals in catnip and silver vine, nepetalactol and nepetalactone respectively, can help protect a cat from mosquitoes and perhaps other parasites, as well as giving them a high. Do cats deliberately seek this protection from mosquitoes? The idea comes from a research …

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