How Feliway is designed to work in calming cats

How Feliway is meant to work in calming cats

You can read lots about the benefits of a commercially available cat pheromone called Feliway®. It must be the most widely used commercially available product on the market to help calm cats in a multi-cat environment or perhaps in a home where there are one or two cats and one is “misbehaving”. And it …

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Women belittled by American hospitals in misogynistic behaviour, a reflection of the crazy cat lady syndrome

Women less likely to get correct treatment in ER because they're viewed as hysterical and exaggerating

For me, this is a story which intersects the way women are treated by American and Israeli hospitals and in general and in particular with respect to the stereotypical cultural concept of the “crazy cat lady”. They are all designed to belittle women and they all stem from the male’s misogyny which in American …

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Invasive species such as cats killed-off the fast dodo, not hunters

Dodo was fast on its feet but no match for the killer cats

A new study which involved a team of scientists going through 400 years-worth of literature and visiting and measuring dodo specimens around the UK came to the conclusion that it was invasive species such as cats and rats and others rather than Dutch sailors – who hunted the dodo for its meat – which …

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The reason for the existence of Henry’s pocket as per AI

Henry’s Pocket - reasons for its existence as per me and as per AI

Years ago, I proposed that the feline Henry’s pocket, a small extra fold of cartilage and skin within the ear flaps (pinnae) of domestic cats, was to enhance the ability to hear high pitched sounds. I was corrected by a welcome visitor who proposed that this mysterious item of feline anatomy (which still troubles …

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Google Scholar embarrassed by cat’s high academic achievements

Larry the cat clawed his way up the academic ladder thanks to Google Scholar’s flawed ranking system

Google Scholar must be embarrassed by news that two guys managed to submit nonsense academic papers ostensibly written by a cat called Larry which was cited by others and which led to Larry being ranked higher academically than real academics! The guys who organised this have exposed, they believe, a flaw in the highly …

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Scientist proposes a ‘lunar ark’, a vault on the moon, to store frozen samples of endangered animals (infographic)

This story is both interesting – particularly if you are interested in science – and concerning. It might even be very worrying to some people. The lead author of this report, Mary Hagedorn, a marine biologist at the Smithsonian institution in Washington DC, has suggested that initially the frozen tissue of endangered animal species …

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