Cats Spray Painted And Set On Fire

Cats Spray Painted And Set On Fire

by Elisa Black-Taylor

Tiger and Butterball on Oct. 11

Tiger and Butterball on Oct. 11

Tiger and Butterball on Oct. 11 Tiger's tail Oct. 11 McLaughlin-Anderson Co. Detention Center Martinez- Honea Path jail photo

Two teens have been charged with two counts of animal cruelty in Honea Path, SC for spray painting and setting fire to the tails of two cats. The abuse took place against Tiger and Butterball on September 26, 2011.

As many of the readers here may have noticed, I cut way back on my reporting of individual cruelty to animal cases. The reason I'm reporting on this one is it occurred in Honea Path, SC, which is less than a twenty minute country drive from where I live.

Honea Path is a wonderful little town and is famous for it's yearly Honey Soppin' Festival. Animal abuse cases here are rare. This just goes to show no town is safe when there are teens out there looking for trouble.

Timothy McLaughlin, 17, of Honea Path was charged with two counts of cruelty to animals. Another teenager, Christopher Martinez, was also charged but has not been arrested. Both face additional charges of malicious injury to personal property, illegal graffiti and vandalism, interference with traffic-control devices, grand larceny and damaging or tampering with a vehicle.

Surprise surprise!! According to Police Chief David King, McLaughlin isn't new to breaking the law. Back in July he escaped from the back of a police car where he was being arrested along with his mother.

Here's a Fox CAROLINA video (opens in a new window/tab).

I'm really tired about writing these individual abuse cases. I want to warn the readers at that teens like McLaughlin and Martinez are everywhere. It just distresses me to follow these cases only to see them end with small fines and community service.

I'm a huge supporter of mandatory animal cruelty laws for this very reason. I believe everyone should be held by the same set of standards regardless of age or location.

I really must end this article now as I'm becoming very upset thinking of the outcome. Tiger and Butterball will be fine. As will the two teens. I'm sure they'll get off with a slap on the wrist as cases like this always end in this manner.

Cats Spray Painted And Set On Fire will become another in my long list of abuse cases where justice won't be served. Do any of you agree with me on this one?

Photos courtesy of Fox CAROLINA.



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Cats Spray Painted And Set On Fire

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Oct 12, 2011
Cats spray painted and set on fire.
by: Rudolph.A.Furtado

I was sad to see the Hollywood film "FALLEN" staring Denzil.Washington which deals in the supernatural of "GOOD" and "EVIL". In the film, the end has the "DEVIL" being re-incarnated into a cat from the body of a "Human-Being".Cats have been considered a source of supernatural fascination sibce ancient times and it was sad to see a modern 21st century Hollywood film extending this ghastly myth against the poor cat.No wonder these two men took to the extreme cruelty of setting the cats tails on fire, considering them witches or the devils re-incarnation as show in the popular film "Fallen".
Still worse, luckily they didn't show , a "Black cat" in the movie, a cat that has been drastically persecuted for both its colour as well as for being a cat.
Its ultimately left for the people to be educated on the common prejudices against some animal species, especially cats.Humans fear cats for the simple reason that it is the only pet domesticated animal that refuses to behave like a obediant dog and likes living an aloof life along with its human companions.I have owned both cats and dogs as pets and hence have closely observed the differences in two of humans best animal companions.

Oct 12, 2011
by: Cat.. L...

The look of evil shows on the faces of these kinds of very sick humans. There is never anything wholesome or healthy looking about their demeanor or faces. The ugliness leaks onto their faces for all to see. They can't hide it, no matter how young or old they are! Has anyone ever noticed that? Evil is very ugly esp when you have been exposed to it!

Oct 12, 2011
by: Cat.. L...

The look of evil shows on the faces of these kinds of very sick humans. There is never anything wholesome or healthy looking about their demeanor or faces. The ugliness leaks onto their faces for all to see. They can't hide it, no matter how young or old they are! Has anyone ever noticed that? Evil is very ugly esp when you have been exposed to it!

Oct 12, 2011
Just a sick game
by: Elisa

These are the same kinds of teens who bury a cat up to its neck and run over its head with a lawn mower. Some teens are just bad. And the ones who are bad at this age are the ones who will be in prison when they are old enough for real punishment. At that point everyone asks why nothing was done sooner.

I know this town. There are a lot of retired people who will give you vegetables in the summer and are a very close knit area. But that's usually the way it goes. It only takes a couple of idiots to ruin the reputation of a small town.

I personally know a man who takes his own money and feeds the ferals in different places around town and pays for their vet care. I hope they throw the book at these two.

Oct 12, 2011
Just a sick game
by: Elisa

These are the same kinds of teens who bury a cat up to its neck and run over its head with a lawn mower. Some teens are just bad. And the ones who are bad at this age are the ones who will be in prison when they are old enough for real punishment. At that point everyone asks why nothing was done sooner.

I know this town. There are a lot of retired people who will give you vegetables in the summer and are a very close knit area. But that's usually the way it goes. It only takes a couple of idiots to ruin the reputation of a small town.

I personally know a man who takes his own money and feeds the ferals in different places around town and pays for their vet care. I hope they throw the book at these two.

Oct 12, 2011
by: Michael

Thanks for the post, Elisa. I am pleased you published the mug shots of these people. I think we are OK on copyright.

I just want to look into their faces and try and figure out what is going on in there. Why do they get fun out of hurting a cat?

They really must have a head problem. That or a complete lack of a sense of responsibility and sensitivity towards other people and animals.

Of course we have the exact same problems here in the UK. I wonder if the problem of animal abuse is bigger in the developed countries?

It may partly come from idleness. The better off people are the more likely it is that their minds turn to animal cruelty.

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