Cat Versus Dog Popularity by State, USA (map)

This page contains a map together with the statistics which tell us, in which states of the USA, cats are more popular or less popular than dogs. I suggest some reasons behind the slight differences in preference between cats and dogs. The map below is interactive; you can see figures by placing your cursor over the map.

Map showing where cats are more or less popular than dogs in USA
Map showing where cats are more or less popular than dogs in USA

Does anyone have any ideas why dogs are more popular in southern states (except for Florida) while cats are more popular in the North especially the Northeast? One analyst, Jared Koerten, a pet industry analyst at Euromonitor (which provided the data), suggests that in some more built up areas the dog will be less popular. As the Northeast is more heavily urbanised than states in the South this may account for the difference. 

Is there any other reason? It is notable that in general, globally (but there are exceptions) in the developing countries, dogs are more popular than cats. For example in India there are ten times the number of dogs to cats.

World map showing popularity of dogs and cats
World map showing popularity of dogs and cats

Google can’t help. If you search for “dogs more popular than cats India” it fails miserably to come up with an answer. I’ll have to guess therefore.

The first point to note is that there is only a fine difference between dog and cat popularity across the USA. The most dog-friendly state is Arkansas where dogs outnumber cats 1.35 to 1; not a huge difference. The most cat friendly state is Massachusetts where there are 1.87 cats to every dog. As I recall Massachusetts has some of the tightest laws regarding the ownership of exotic animals.

Between dogs and cats, dogs were the first to be domesticated. They were considered to be more utilitarian (working animals). In developing countries that attitude probably remains: an attitude that companion animals should be “useful”. Cats are useful but there is probably a perception that they are less useful than dogs in developing countries.

Although it is not clear cut there is a general trend of dogs being more popular in the poorer states with cats being more popular in the richer states. I’ll stick my neck out and say that household income is a factor as to whether a family prefers a dog to a cat and the reason is the same as for India: dogs are considered more utilitarian.

I am sure there are other reasons. For example there is a slight correlation between the top ten states with the lowest gun death rates where cats are more popular and dogs being more popular in the top ten states with the highest gun death rates. 

I sense that the ‘wild west attitude’ (if there is such a thing) favours dog ownership.

Here are the statistics again per state in alphabetical order:

Alabama – 1.4m dogs and 1.3m cats

Alaska – not available

Arizona – 1.8m dogs and 1.4m cats

Arkansas – 1.1m dogs and 1.8m cats

California – 6.7m dogs and 7.1m cats

Colorado – 1.3m dogs and 1.2m cats

Connecticut – 0.5m dogs and 0.8m cats

Delaware – 0.2m dogs and 0.2m cats

Florida – 4.2m dogs and 4.4m cats

Georgia – 2.5m dogs and 2.2m cats

Hawaii – not available

Idaho – 0.4m dogs and 0.4m cats

Illinois – 2.4m dogs and 2.5m cats

Indiana – 1.6m dogs and 1.9m cats

Iowa – 0.6m dogs and 0.8m cats

Kansas – 0.8m dogs and 0.7m cats

Kentucky – 1.5m dogs and 1.3m cats

Louisiana – 1.1m dogs and 1.9m cats

Maine – 0.3m dogs and 0.5m cats

Maryland – 0.9m dogs and 1.7m cats

Massachusetts – 0.8m dogs and 1.6m cats

Michigan – 2m dogs and 2.4m cats

Minnesota – 0.9m dogs and 1.3m cats

Mississippi – 0.8m dogs and 0.7m cats

Missouri – 2m dogs and 1.7m cats

Montana – 0.3m dogs and 0.3m cats

Nebraska – 0.4m dogs and 0.5m cats

Nevada – 0.6m dogs and 0.6m cats

New Hampshire – 0.2m dogs and 0.3m cats

New Jersey – 1.3m dogs and 1.5m cats

New Mexico – 0.7m dogs and 0.5m cats

New York – 2.1m dogs and 2.3m cats

North Carolina – 2.5m dogs and 2.2m cats

North Dakota – 0.1m dogs and 0.2m cats

Ohio – 2.7m dogs and 3.8m cats

Oklahoma – 1.3m dogs and 1.0m cats

Oregon – 0.9m dogs and 1.2m cats 

Pennsylvania – 2.5m dogs and 3.5m cats

Rhode Island – 0.2m dogs and 0.2m cats

South Carolina – 1.2m dogs and 1.2m cats

South Dakota – 0.2m dogs and 0.3m cats

Tennessee – 2.2m dogs and 1.7m cats

Texas – 7.2m dogs and 5.6m cats

Utah – 0.4m dogs and 0.5m cats

Vermont – 0.1m dogs and 0.2m cats

Virginia – 1.7m dogs and 1.9m cats

Washington – 1.8m dogs and 1.6m cats

West Virginia – 0.6m dogs and 0.6m cats

Wisconsin – 1.1m dogs and 1.5m cats

Wyoming – 0.1m dogs and 0.1m cats

6 thoughts on “Cat Versus Dog Popularity by State, USA (map)”

  1. Haven’t you figured it out yet, Michael? The USA was founded on people that wanted/needed-to get away from your UK values and modes of illogical thinking. This is why you are so fascinated by what happens in the USA. It is beyond your genetically in-bred ability to reason and think clearly. You’ll get it one-day. Keep trying. Though, if your relatives are still breeding with your relatives, then there’s no hope for you.

  2. I see in New Zealand we have more Cats 🙂 Cats are the best To Have. Though We have alot of Dogs too. I think Cats are easy option as Can put them outside. Though I know alot of People esp Garden Type Don’t really Like Cats.

  3. Florida is our “retirees” state. With so many widows, the preference for cats may be representing our “crazy cat ladies”?

  4. Your reasoning is flawed…..

    Deleted because Woody refuses to write a comment without insulting people (Admin).

    Message to Woody. You can say it again but say it politely otherwise F off!

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