Domestic cat used as a means to emotionally hurt a person

As is the case for children, the domestic cat is sometimes used as a way of emotionally hurting a person and it often occurs when there is a dispute between a man and a woman. Both children and cats are vulnerable to unscrupulous individuals in divorces or relationship split-ups of any kind. In fact the abuse of children and cats can occur in a wide range of circumstances involving disputes between men and women. There is a similarity between the level of vulnerability and the availability of kids and cats to be exploited in this way.

The abuse of cats in the war of the sexes is a kind of ammunition. As women tend to favour cats and as men are inherently more aggressive it is usual for a man to hurt or kill a cat to get at the woman who owns the cat.

He killed a cat to emotionally hurt the woman who refused to succumb to his demands for sex.
He killed a cat to emotionally hurt the woman who refused to succumb to his demands for sex.

Here are two examples:

This example concerns the person in the photo above. A man wants sex from a woman. She refuses despite forcing himself onto her (a sexual assault). He becomes pissed-off. He wants to hurt her. As he leaves he strangles the woman’s cat. The cat dies 20 minutes later due to a seizure [story].

A divorcing couple fight over the father’s access to the children because the mother is almost invariably the primary carer. She wants to get at him and the best way to do it is to stop him seeing his children. He has to go to court to get an order to get contact with his kids. It takes ages and even then he is refused contact because the woman ignores the court order. The court can’t punish her by sending her to prison because that would hurt the children even more. The children are being hurt by the mother and the father too.

The are many variations on these examples. A divorcing couple can use a pet in the same way they can use a child to emotionally hurt one another. It is not uncommon to read news stories of cats being killed or hurt by an aggrieved man in a split-up. As mentioned, it is usually the man who is the aggressor towards the cat.

There is probably a feeling of male impotence when a woman shuns a man’s advances because the man believes that the woman prefers her cat to him so he hurts the cat to get back at her.

It is the manner in which the cat is used as a pawn or weapon to hurt someone which shocks me and makes me mad. The cat is totally innocent and this form of behaviour is a reflection on one of the unpleasant aspects of human nature. I am not saying that cats don’t have some unpleasant characteristics too (e.g. infanticide by the male lion) but everything the cat does is practical and logical in the furtherance of survival while only the human has this nasty perverted side to their personalities whereby they can abuse the vulnerable for emotional reasons.

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