Don’t Forget the Elderly Shelter Cats

by Finn Frode
(Copenhagen, Denmark)

Snehvide - white as snow and black as ebony

Snehvide – white as snow and black as ebony

All children should at least once during their childhood experience the fun and joy of raising a kitten. That’s probably one of the reasons that the shelter kittens have less problems finding new homes than the grown ups. Allow me to put in a good word for the latter…

Six months ago we found our Snehvide (Danish for Snow White) at an animal welfare shelter. Her estimated age was about 9 years which actually was a lot older than we had aimed for.

She had ended up at the shelter because her owner “could not take care of her anymore” as they said. Whatever that meant we never found out, but one thing is certain – somebody in the past has cared a lot for her and raised her to become a real good cat. Cats like that do not come out of nothing!

The shelter had fed her for about 4 months and we got her for $ 100. Considering she had been vaccinated and neutered that was a real bargain – we usually have to pay more just for crossing the veterinarians doorstep. 😉

She is affectionate, playful and well-behaved in all ways. Always uses the litter box without any ‘accidents’. Accepts that human dinner time does not involve herself. Gracefully moves around the plants on the windowsill without ever turning them over. Despite her age and chubby stature she is fast as lightning when it comes to catching the feather wand. She is curious about everything and obviously enjoys our company.

A cat like that really deserves a good home in her old age and we’re very happy to have found her. I’m sure there are many more like her, so if you ever consider getting a shelter cat, don’t forget about the elderly.

Finn Frode

From Don’t Forget the Elderly Shelter Cats to Maine Coon Cats

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Don’t Forget the Elderly Shelter Cats

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Jun 08, 2009
Off topic
by: Finn FrodeSorry to hear that, Lea. I did however not find my Snehvide cat at Lake County, CA, but in a nice cat shelter in Denmark and the issues you raise have no bearing on cat shelters around here. IMHO you should probably start a new page about those problems.


Jun 07, 2009
Don’t Forget the Elderly Shelter Cats
by: Lea. Actually such establishments as the Lake County CA SPCA should be torn down….after all the inmates were removed of course.The place is a hellpit. Cats “up for adoption” are in openwire-work cages, not even a solid floor for them to stand or sit on.
If an upstairs neighbor urinates or worse, the downstairs cat can become wet or….When I went there last year old cats were caged next to sick cats next to babies too young to be away from their mothers or SOMEONE to feed them. I hear from neighbors nothing’s changed.

$112 got me two cats who apparently hadn’t been fed nor watered….there were no dishes evident in any cage…and potty facilities consisted of slick-finish newspaper that wouldn’t absorb anything, despite what the dumbbrain employees claimed.

I swear the stench of the place was so loud it echoed.

And the cats I rescued? They had kennel cough and other very expensive medical issues.

I will never ever again contribute any funds to a horrible place like that.


Jun 01, 2009
“Stray and discarded cats”
by: Anonymous “Charity begins at home” and adopting a stray or discarded cat is a great social cause towards animal welfare and responsible “PET-OWNERSHIP”. My first cat “Trixie” was given to me free by a “Pet-shop” dealer as it was critically sick due to lack of medical care. I brought her home , took her to the vet and she lived in our house-hold for 12 long years (1995-2007).

Jun 01, 2009
by: Anonymous I couldn’t agree more. I have a rescue cat (I rescued her from the street) and she has been a darling companion for 16 years and she is still (touch wood) going strong.

5 thoughts on “Don’t Forget the Elderly Shelter Cats”

  1. The author of the best comment will receive an Amazon gift of their choice at Christmas! Please comment as they can add to the article and pass on your valuable experience.
  2. Snow White is beautiful and she looks so well! I’m so glad the medication is working well for her.
    I loved seeing all your other photos too and it’s wonderful to see you back on PoC, we’ve missed you.

  3. Thanks a lot, Michael. It’s Felimazole. She’s been on it for a year now and we have found that 7,5 mg a day keeps her on a stable weight. She goes to the Vet for blood tests every 3 month and so far all the tests for other things have come out very fine for her age. 🙂

  4. Yesterday our beloved Princess Snow White celebrated her 5th anniversary in our home, and every day with her has been a joyful one. She is now about 13 y.o., but still as playful as a kitten. Last year she was diagnosed with hyperthyroidism, which we have managed to control medically. I expect at least 5 more years with her.

    More pictures from her birthday party on my Flickr-stream

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