Ageing cats and maggots

Combed-out fly eggs

There is a specific health danger for ageing cats allowed outside: maggots. Skin disorders are more common in elderly cats. The skin is thinner and more easily damaged. From my personal experience – and the circumstances must vary – my then very elderly and sick tuxedo cat used to spend a lot of time …

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Do senior cats have special needs? Living with elderly cats.

Elderly cat care

Lately it seems that it’s been getting a lot more difficult for me to grasp the fact that it’s been almost fourteen years since we welcomed Dr. Hush Puppy and Sir Hubble Pinkerton, our two amazing, beautiful four month-old Oriental Shorthair kittens into our family. It often feels that it was just yesterday that …

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November is National Senior Pet Month: At What Age are Cats Considered Seniors?

Oriental SH cat

When it comes to senior pets, November is chock full of many “holidays” featuring the needs of our senior pets. This month we celebrate National Senior Pet Month, Adopt a Senior Pet Month, National Pet Awareness Month, Pet Cancer Awareness Month and Pet Diabetes Month. Since PoC is mainly focused on issues pertaining to …

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My Elderly Cat Has Become Obsessively Affectionate

This is an interesting example of what can happen to elderly cats. In this instance an 18-year-old male cat who was always affectionate become almost totally deaf and as a consequence he became even more affectionate; excessively so, according to his caretaker. He would constantly rub his mouth against his human companion’s hands and …

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USA: Cats are living longer. Some reasons why.

In 2012, American cats had an average lifespan of 12 years. Ten years earlier it was 11 years. This is about a 10 percent increase. Incidentally, the increase in the lifespan of dogs over the same period is less than half that at 0.4 percent. (note: is an average lifespan of 12 years slightly …

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USA: Cat Illness, Trends and Statistics

This is a page that gives some clues as to cat health trends in the USA backed up by statistics. Banfield Pet Hospital is the world’s largest veterinary practice. It is an American business operating in America. The company has a poor policy on declawing, which I have to mention as they dealt with …

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