Families Torn Apart by the Arkansas Tornadoes 2014

This is a collage that I dreamt up based on the picture that I saw on the Arkansas pet rescue page on Facebook.

 families including pets torn apart by the Arkansas tornadoes April 2014
Families including pets torn apart by the Arkansas tornadoes April 2014

The area where this cat and dog lived was: Mayflower RV lot, which I believe is just north of Little Rock, Arkansas. This is the full detail provided by the owner for the dog, Lucille:

Area Lost: Mayflower RV lot
City Lost: Mayflower
County Lost:
Date Lost: April 27, 2014
Time Lost: 7:40
Gender: female
Approximate Age: 3 years old
Spayed or Neutered: spayed
Contact: Lauren Watts
Phone: 501-231-1966
Email: ebboydston@liberty.edu

Lucille, the dog has been found. Opel, the cat, is still missing.

The owner, Erin Brooke Boydston says:

Yes thank you everyone who prayed and searched for Lucille! She showed up today! Thanks again!!! Yes Opal the cat is still missing but maybe she will show up too.

I have one, perhaps, unimportant observation to make about the Facebook page setup to reunite people with their lost pets and is this: there are far more dogs on that web page then there are cats. This could be because dogs are the preferred companion animal in Arkansas or Oklahoma but I don’t think that is true. Perhaps, as usual, the independence of the domestic cat works against her while the needy nature of the domestic dog works in his favour. I don’t know. I’m speculating.

5 thoughts on “Families Torn Apart by the Arkansas Tornadoes 2014”

  1. The author of the best comment will receive an Amazon gift of their choice at Christmas! Please comment as they can add to the article and pass on your valuable experience.
  2. It seems some people think cats are better able to take care of themselves when lost than dogs, but that isn’t right because cats are so much more vulnerable.
    I hope Opel is home by now and was given as warm a welcome as the dog was.

  3. I agree – doesn’t sound like they were too fussed if the cat ‘showed up’ or not.

    Maybe I am wrong. Seems that way though.

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