Female, domestic stray cat has a kitten and knows she needs a human caregiver and asks

There is only one way to interpret the behaviour of this stray, female domestic cat who leads the video maker on a rainy day towards a lobby area of what appears to be an apartment block where she has her kitten. How else can you interpret this but to say that she wants and needs a human caregiver and a human home to live in for security and warmth because she has been socialised to people and in effect “trained” to be with people? She realises that alone it is going to be very difficult to look after her kitten and herself. Perhaps almost impossible and seeks help as a consequence. It is an act of survival.

The video maker says that the cat has been fed so I suspect that she has fed this female cat and, I believe, that she has gone one step further and taken them into their home which is exactly the right thing to do, at least initially. Beyond that point she may decide to rehome them in a good home if that can be ensured or take them to a rescue centre where they can rehome mother and offspring. It is just another little story from the streets of a city. It happens millions of times every day. There are far too many stray cats in the world. In India there are 80 million homeless cats. Can you believe it?

RELATED: Mars State of Pet Homelessness Index – measuring success and failure in pet domestication

Every single homeless domestic cat is a failure in cat domestication and the failure is entirely on the human side of the relationship. It is impossible to state that the domestication of the cat has been a success!

Note: This is an embedded video from another website. Sometimes they are deleted at source or the video is turned into a link which would stop it working here. I have no control over this.

Momma cat with kitten asks for a caregiver
Momma cat with kitten asks for a caregiver

RELATED: Kitten development – comprehensive discussion

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