On average, domestic cats remain fertile for a longer portion of their lifespan compared to humans. Infographic.

On average, female domestic cats remain fertile for a longer portion of their lifespan compared to humans. It seems that ultimately it is the fertility of the female which normally dictates the longevity of fertility in domestic cats and humans. Cats: Humans: Why the Difference? In essence, while the absolute reproductive lifespan (in years) …

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Why do nursing female cats sometimes accept and feed another female’s kittens? INFOGRAPHIC.

At heart this is about the domestic cat’s lifestyle when nursing females can be thrown together in a colony situation to which they adapt. The domestic cat is adaptable as they must be despite being essentially solitary. And under these circumstances it makes sense to sometimes share mothering. Also feline, nursing mothers are not …

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INFOGRAPHIC explains trans-generational effects of prenatal stress in cats and other mammals

Trans-generational effects of prenatal stress in cats and other mammals in an infographic

‘Trans-generational’ means: through the generations i.e. something that is passed down or extends across multiple generations. In various contexts, it describes processes, effects, behaviors, or patterns that are inherited or transmitted from one generation to the next. ‘Prenatal’ means: relating to the medical and other care given to pregnant females before their offspring are born. I have converted this interesting research (cited below) into …

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Explaining in an infographic why some cats take walks with their caregiver

Reason why some cats take walks with their owner

This time I am not going to add many extra words as I want to see if Google and Bing search finds this page as well without them. The infographic explains the situation and makes this page a 20 second read and a 5 minutes cogitation. The reason why some cats like to take …

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Should I allow my female cat to have a litter of kittens to improve her personality?

Should I allow my female cat to have a litter of kittens to improve her personality? No.

Allowing your female cat to have a litter of kittens solely for the purpose of improving her personality is not a recommended approach. Let’s consider the reasons: Remember, a cat’s personality is shaped by various factors, including genetics, environment, and individual experiences. Prioritize her health, happiness, and responsible pet ownership. 🐾 RELATED: Do you think …

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Will one female cat feed another one’s kittens?

Will one female cat feed another one's kittens? Yes if they are domestic cats.

I am writing about domestic cats. The reason for that is because not infrequently there’s more than one female cat available to share the responsibility of raising kittens. In the wild, it is far less likely that a female cat will encounter another and therefore what I describe below applies to domestic cats. RELATED: …

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Domestic cat maternal aggression

Domestic cat maternal aggression is instinctive

Domestic cat maternal aggression is also referred to as maternal protective aggression. It’s what you think it is: a queen’s protective behaviour towards perceived threats to her kittens. It’s a natural instinct when she is caring for her young. In Peter Neville’s book Do Cats Need Shrinks? a client of his, Susan Swift, asked …

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Unknown cat brings dead birds to your front door and meows. What does it mean?

Cat brings bird to stranger's house

There is a stray cat in the community. You don’t know the cat and yet she consistently brings dead birds to your front door and meows until you come out. What does this mean? It isn’t unique but probably quite unusual. The way to try and understand this is to refer to the mother-kitten …

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