Feral Cats Under My Porch
by Kayleigh
Pitcure Above of The Cats
Well we had started to see a cat wonder around my backyard for a few weeks. We assumed it was the neighbor's cat. We were wrong. We soon saw that the female cat had had 5 kittens under my porch.
Two brown, one Ragdoll-like black cat, and a speckled runt. I'm allergic to cats, my sister was allergic, and my dad is allergic. My mom however, is a cat lover and grew up with them.
Every other day, when they were out, I would try to lure them closer using hot dogs. I began to socialize them. I managed to get scratched lightly 2 times and bit lightly (didn't puncture the skin) once.
But I had also managed to hand feed them, pet them sometimes, and hold two of them for a few seconds. They would now also crawl up in my lap to feed.
Me and my mom bought a bag of cat food and I started to feed them that. Then they stared to leave one by one, until they had all left.
I miss them a lot and I have decided to now shelter feral and abandoned cats.
I still just want them back. I just hope that they are OK.
Hi Kayleigh... thanks for visiting. You have a soft and tender heart. You are one of us.
I am sorry your feral cats went away. When that happens I always ask why? If you were feeding them why should they go? A good food source and regular supply should keep them coming around.
I used to feed a small female black cat - a stray cat. She loved to come and we had some good times together. I called one of my blogger sites partly after her, Three Stray Cats. She just stopped coming. I have not seen her for many months and I know I will never see her again. I fear for her safety.