Feral Cats Under My Porch

Feral Cats Under My Porch

by Kayleigh

Pitcure Above of The Cats

Pitcure Above of The Cats

Well we had started to see a cat wonder around my backyard for a few weeks. We assumed it was the neighbor's cat. We were wrong. We soon saw that the female cat had had 5 kittens under my porch.

Two brown, one Ragdoll-like black cat, and a speckled runt. I'm allergic to cats, my sister was allergic, and my dad is allergic. My mom however, is a cat lover and grew up with them.

Every other day, when they were out, I would try to lure them closer using hot dogs. I began to socialize them. I managed to get scratched lightly 2 times and bit lightly (didn't puncture the skin) once.

But I had also managed to hand feed them, pet them sometimes, and hold two of them for a few seconds. They would now also crawl up in my lap to feed.

Me and my mom bought a bag of cat food and I started to feed them that. Then they stared to leave one by one, until they had all left.

I miss them a lot and I have decided to now shelter feral and abandoned cats.

I still just want them back. I just hope that they are OK.


Hi Kayleigh... thanks for visiting. You have a soft and tender heart. You are one of us.

I am sorry your feral cats went away. When that happens I always ask why? If you were feeding them why should they go? A good food source and regular supply should keep them coming around.

I used to feed a small female black cat - a stray cat. She loved to come and we had some good times together. I called one of my blogger sites partly after her, Three Stray Cats. She just stopped coming. I have not seen her for many months and I know I will never see her again. I fear for her safety.

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Feral Cats Under My Porch to Feral cats

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Feral Cats Under My Porch

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Apr 19, 2010 Ferals
by: Tracey (UK)

Hi Kayleigh

I've just read your article and the kittens are so sweet. I feel very sad that you miss them so and for Michael too on the dissapearance of his little Black cat.

I too hope they have found love and shelter.

Kayleigh good on you for now taking in Ferals, its such a pity that more people like you don't reach out to these unfortunate creatures that never ask to be born in the first place.

If they did then like you they would realise how much they enrich their lives.

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