He was just a scrap of a cat in poor condition

by Beth
(Berea, Ohio)



Atlas Atlas

Atlas does have a story to tell, it is quite a long and heartbreaking story. Back on Jan. 2, 2010 he was brought into our little shelter. He was just a scrap of a cat in poor condition. He, fully grown, weighed in at only 5lbs.

He was put into isolation and we were giving him basic medical care waiting to see if he would turn around. Every time we "fixed" something...something else came up, keeping him from improving and keeping him from coming out of isolation.

In March he came to my home to be fostered. His fur was stiff, in clumps, and pretty much either falling out or it was shaved off. He weighed a mere 6lbs. But we had figured out he was diabetic and in need of surgery. Eventually, through an emergency intake, he got the surgery he needed and has since drastically improved.

He is a big boy. He is now up to about 14lbs and still growing fur in. We're still waiting for his tail to fully fill out. It is finally starting to get a bushy, wispy appearance.

He has a magnificent ruff that just seems to be filling in more and more. It is the softest fur I've ever felt, which I brush once a week. He has a totally laid back disposition, and can be quite the character.

He is still insulin dependent and takes his home-testing in his stride.

I've been looking at him because of his sheer size, fur coat, and huge feet complete with "snow fur."

Could he really be a Maine Coon?

Thanks so much for reading and taking a peek at his pictures.


Hi Beth... thanks for telling us the story. Well, I am pleased that through your efforts and those of your colleagues, you managed to save Atlas and bring him back to good health.

He looks like a Maine Coon and may be a Maine Coon but that does mean he is as I am sure you realise. You will need a documented pedigree to ascertain that. Although he looks a little too "cobby" (short in the body) compared to the Maine Coons that have seen who are long, long long (see the longest domestic cat - a Maine Coon!).

You might like to read this page as well: What Breed Is My Cat?

The most important thing as you imply is that he is loved and healthy - and handsome....


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He was just a scrap of a cat in poor condition

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Nov 20, 2010 He is Home
by: Beth

To Leah,

Yes, he is staying with me. Even the shelter folks when they would come visit couldn't believe how attached he had gotten to me! He follows me around like a puppy dog!

Bless his heart he is a really good cat too.

Nov 17, 2010 lovely story
by: Kathy W

Great story and he is so lucky to have fallen into your hands. Hes a lovely cat and I know you love him. Keep up the good work. People like you are far and few.

Nov 12, 2010 your cat
by: darlene


Nov 12, 2010 Lovely story
by: Leah (England)

What a beautiful boy he's so handsome and so lucky to have you. He looks very relaxed.

I have a Maine Coon and in the last 2 smaller pictures of him he very much has the Maine Coon look about him.

You didn't say but are you keeping him? I do hope so.

Don't worry about his tail; my cat had some serious health issues a while back which meant his tail went very thin and straggly as well as the rest of his coat being in bad condition also. He is back to health now and so is his tail! It's huge and fluffy! as I'm sure Atlas's will be soon!

Please keep him if you haven't decided he looks so happy and he's the image of a stray I took in years ago who I called Basil.

Nov 12, 2010 Atlas
by: Ruth

What a lovely story to start my day, Atlas is so very lucky to have come to you who saved him as a little scrap, Beth.

It doesn't really matter what breed he is, he is just beautiful.

Kattaddorra signature Ruth

Nov 09, 2010 He's Beautiful!
by: Joyce Sammons

I hope you're going to keep him permanently. I don't think I could get attached to such a beautiful baby and then give him up. He's come a long way thanks to you.

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