Help Find Mama Kitty Please

Help Find Mama Kitty Please

by Lyndsay
(Monroe CT)

Help Find Mama Kitty Please – We rescued Mama Kitty over 4 years ago. She just went missing last week during a bad thunderstorm. Does anyone have any advice for me? I’m a mess. She is the love of my life and has truly changed my life. I have never connected to an animal like I have with Mama. We found her and her kittens outside a woman’s house and took them home with us. I ended up keeping one of her kittens but we kept Mama at my parents since they have so much property and I live in a condo. She was an indoor and outdoor cat.

I showed Mama how to live a fearless life and gave her all the love that I had. Now that she’s missing, I feel there is a part of me missing.

I’m praying every night that she will show up again. I have heard that sometimes cats run away during bad storms. If anyone knows more about this or has any advice,

PLEASE email me at: Thanks!


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Help Find Mama Kitty Please

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Jul 30, 2009 Advice about lost cat
by: Ruth aka Kattaddorra

The chances are that Mama Kitty isn’t far away ! When a cat gets a bad fright,such as a thunderstorm, she usually ‘holes up’ and can stay there for quite a long time only popping out at night to find or catch something to eat.As Mama Kitty has lived rough before by the sound of it, she can survive OK like this ! But also, you should ask all your neighbours to check their sheds and garages, just incase she ran in and was accidentally locked in. Cats can get in the tiniest spaces you wouldn’t think possible.Phone all your local vets and Rescue Shelters incase someone has picked her up and taken her in as a stray. Put ‘lost cat’ notices on trees and lamp posts and ask local delivery men, such as the postman, to keep an eye out for her.

Don’t give up hope, I’ve done lost and found cats for Cats Protection and most cats do return home by themselves, even months later and you never know where they’ve been.
I hope Mama Kitty is home soon, please let us know.
Thinking about you.

Jul 29, 2009 Hi Lyndsay
by: Michael (PoC Admin)

I moved your submission to Feral cats. I realise that Mama was not (it seems) a feral cat but a stray cat (on the face of it) but the submission is better placed under this heading.

Could you please tell us the area where you are? You don’t need to give the address just the area. You may not like to do that for privacy reasons but sometimes people local to the person who made a submission to this site do come forward. The best source of information as to where she is will be from neighbours, probably, so you will need to engage these people. I suppose you have contacted the local shelters. Someone may have taken her to a shelter.

I would have thought that she is still in the area. I hope that she is OK.

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