Human-to-cat ‘mind connection’ is the caregiver’s aim. Infographic.

The infographic spells out what I believe is a form of ‘mind connection’ between cat caregiver and cat. It is the ultimate aim of the cat caregiver as it creates great harmony between cat and person. But there will be some bad moments as we are cats and humans, both with ‘flaws’.

The relationship can be stressed sometimes due to various reasons one of which is the obvious fact that we are different species of animal and the wild cat lurks beneath the surface of the domestic cat. Something that we sometimes forget. Those wild traits can grate.

With a ‘mind connection’ words don’t need to be said in interactions as there is complete understanding on both sides. Each trusts the other implicitly. There is a rhythm between the two species which binds them and creates this calm harmony that is so beneficial to both parties.

More: human to cat relationship

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